
They are preparing to apply against Ukraine: the Russian Federation showed a new drone with a range of 200 km

Russian engineers claim that "Strepeta" is able to explore and strike at a long distance, but there is a big problem on their way - the cost of the corps. Within the framework of the Helirussia 2024 (Moscow) exhibition, the Strathom Design Bureau presented a drone of vertical take -off and landing for intelligence - "Straft". The Russian information agency TASS reported the details.

There are some technical characteristics of the scorcher: wingspan-2 m, flight range-200 km, payload-up to 2 kg, speed-100 km/h. Representatives of "Strati" also stated that the radius of use of the aircraft type can reach 100 km. The drone does not require a runway or catapult for starting because it has a vertical takeoff and landing system (VTOL). The Drone is planned to use in the war against Ukraine for intelligence, guidance and adjustment of fire at long distances.

UAVs are now being tested, and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have not yet been armed. This unit was presented as something special, emphasizing that all the details and even the body were made in Russia, not as usual - in China. The KB says it is an important step on the path to independence in the technological sphere, and the achievements that have been going all year long, but immediately complain about the cost of fuselage production.

"At this stage, this does not reduce the cost of production: it is difficult for us to compete with large companies. However, this is a big back for the future, since the ability to do Russian fuselages is a step to technological independence. We can take such a fuselage that we want," - said representatives " Strati. " Earlier, we wrote that in Russia they showed a new drone bomber with AI.