
The Russian Federation launched a fake about Elena Zelensk and Bugatti for € 4.5 million: what happened actually (video)

The Russians created a fake site and fake video against Elena Zelenskaya, said at the Center for Combating Misinformation. The fictional propagandists were denied the next day after their appearance. The French edition published an article about Lady Elena Zelensk, who allegedly bought a surplus car Bugatti Tourbillon. The proof of buying was a check and video with a statement of a car dealership employee who was present during the presentation of the car.

Both article and video are another attempt to Russian propagandists compromise Ukraine. What was invented in the Russian Federation is said in the investigation of the Center for Combating Misinformation (CPD). The CPD explained that on July 1, the Russian media published reports of Elena Zelensk and Bugatti. The Russians reported that the French news portal Vérité Sachée appeared that the first lady bought a car - one of the most expensive in the world, worth 4. 5 million euros.

In this case, Bugatti Tourbillon is not even sold in car dealerships, so they deliberately conducted a presentation for Zelensky. The man who saw this presentation recorded a video in which he told that everything had happened before his eyes. In fact, there is a number of evidence that proves that it is a fake created by the Russians, assured the CPD.

The evidence of Ukrainian investigators relates to two directions - the origin of the site where this "news" first appeared, and the doubt of a man's statement, in the eyes of which the purchase allegedly took place. The site of Vérité Sachée was created only 9 days before the date of publication of the article about Zelensk, investigators said. The site is really filled with news, but they contain signs of generation artificial intelligence.

In some news, even the instructions were left on the basis of the news. The man who declared the purchase of a car really has an account on social networks. However, the account has only four posts. In addition, the video was created using Deepfake technology. The CPD summed up that Russian propagandists created a fake to compromise Elena Zelensk. However, it did poorly, that this fake is easy to refute.

It should be noted that the search on the network did not show the French portal on which the article about Zelensk appeared. Instead, a video was found in which the Frenchman assured that he saw with his own eyes the first lady, for whom they held a priority presentation. In addition, you can find a statement on the Bugatti Paris salon.

The statement explained that the invoice, which was shown on the network, is a fake: it contains the wrong details of the purchase of June 7 and the price is not correctly indicated. Note that Facebook's Facebook page does not comment on the fake, which was spread in Roszma about Bugatti Tourbillon for 4. 5 million euros. Earlier, Focus talked about other statements from Russian propagandists who denied Ukrainian government officials.