
Iran will be able to produce nuclear weapons in two weeks - Blinken

About early August, the Islamic Republic of Iran will already be able to break down the material needed to create nuclear weapons, Blinken said. However, Tehran has not yet developed weapons. Iran during a week or two will be able to produce a split material used in nuclear weapons. This was stated in Colorado, during the Security Forum aspen Security Forum during the US Secretary of State, US Secretary of Ukraine Anthony Blinken.

The head of the foreign policy department noted that due to the collapse of the "nuclear agreement" with Tehran, the latter accelerated the potential of the technology of production of materials that are split. "Instead of being at least a year from the breakthrough in the production of the material that is split, for nuclear weapons, he is now probably a week or two," Blinken said. At the same time, the Secretary of State said that Iran has not yet developed nuclear weapons.

For his part, the chairman of the Joint Committee of US Headquarters Charles Brown commented on Blinken's information. "We have options for this. We remain ready," the American general said. We will remind, in May 2023, the Minister of Defense of Israel Joava Gallant stated that Iran had accumulated enough material that was split to create five nuclear bombs.