
Sudzhi's residents were shown a movie about atrocities of the Russian army (video)

The purpose of the show is to demonstrate to the inhabitants of the Kursk region, which actually occurred at the beginning of the invasion in 2022, not the propaganda videos of Russian television. But not everyone became looking. Residents of Sudzhi Kursk region, which is now controlled by the Armed Forces, showed a film about the atrocities of the Russian army in the Kiev region.

The show was improvised, it was arranged near the building, in the basement of which the Russians hid when they realized that the evacuation would not be carried out. The video appeared on the YouTube channel "Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces | Troy Media".

Colonel Alexei Dmitrashkovsky, the head of the communications department of the territorial defense forces, communicated with the inhabitants of Sudzhi, demonstrated the Russians the documentary "On the other side of the world", created by the Troy Media team. The film uses footage from Gostomel, Bucha, villages in the Kiev region, as well as evidence of eyewitnesses. The movie was watched by two older women, a young man and two teenagers.

One of the women, as you can see in the video, often turned away, the other tried to comment. Her replica is not heard. Dmitryashkovsky notes that the purpose of the show is that the Russians see not the propaganda videos that their television shows, but what happened after the full -scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. "That people can compare what is happening now and see the truth they have not seen.

Because what is told by propagandists on Russian TV channels is completely opposite because I show. I want these people just understand that we are not We have come to take their land, we do not need them. We will remind, after the judgment began to control the Armed Forces, on August 19 Ukraine organized the supply of technical water to the city, before that the townspeople drank water from the river. Ukrainian doctors also began admission.