
From our joint work depends on what weapon in the hands of our soldiers - a speech of the President at a meeting

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, Honorable Ministers, Dear present, gentlemen diplomats! Our meeting is happening at this time for which we all, Ukrainians and Ukrainians, worked. This is a time when the world is deprived of the latest and very naive illusions about Russia. Illusions that significantly interfered with Ukraine's protection. Now we have convincingly convincing the actions of what we had to do before, what we have been talking about.

Ukrainian soldiers continue the protective operation in certain areas of Kursk region. Today, our forces control more than 1250 square kilometers of the enemy and 92 settlements. The strengthening of our positions, stabilization of certain areas and replenishment of the exchange fund for Ukraine continues.

In general, this operation has become the greatest investment in the process of liberation of Ukrainians and Ukrainian women from Russian captivity - we have already won the largest number of Russian prisoners for one operation, and this is a significant result, and this is one of our goals, and our actions are ongoing. And of course, we cannot speak publicly about which units are involved in certain areas of Kursk region. But I am grateful to every unit. I want to thank all of us to our heroes.

Now the Russian border opposite our Sumy region is largely purified from the presence of the Russian army. And it is also among the goals of our operation, tactical goals. A few months ago, many in the world, if we have heard that we are planning such an operation, would say that it is unrealistic and that it was the intersection of the most red of all the red lines that are in Russia. That is why, in fact, no one has heard about such training.

And now the real success of our soldiers speaks for itself - our active protective actions on the other side of the border and the inability of Putin to protect his territory from such our protective actions are very eloquent. Our active, preventive protection is the most effective counteraction to Russian terror and ensuring a real complication of the situation for the aggressor state.

And secondly, we now have an extremely important ideological change, namely: the whole naive, illusory concept of so-called red lines against Russia, which prevailed in the estimates of the war with some partners, scattered these days somewhere under the judge. When our Ukrainian defenders of life work so, firmly, brave, and when the operation is truly reliably prepared, Putin has nothing left.

And now the world sees that it is that it really works - not only in the temporarily occupied territory of our country, but also in the territory of Russia itself. The world sees that everything in this war depends only on the courage - the courage of our, the courage of partners. From bold decisions for Ukraine, from the courage in support of Ukraine and bold steps - and not just our steps.

It is important that partners are synchronous with us in this determination, and then there will be no other step in Russia other than a just peace. We must force Russia with all our forces and together with our partners to peace. Dear Ukrainian diplomats! Your first task is to promote courage. I expect that you will continue to persuade partners to support Ukraine as much as possible. Maintain so that there is no shortage of such courage.

Such deficits are the reason that Putin is still looking not to peace, but to continue the war. And this is not a year or decades - when a reliable peace can be restored for all our land and all our people. This is a matter of sole decisions, our decisions, our partners in common with partners, that is, the world generation available in the world - leaders who now work in those countries that really seek to live without wars and in accordance with international law. So, the first is a long -range.

If the partners have removed all the available restrictions on the use of weapons in Russia, we would not need a physical event, in particular, in Kurshchyna to protect our Ukrainian citizens in the border and destroy the Russian potential of aggression. But so far we cannot use all weapons available and destroy Russian terrorists where they are.

Russian military bases and Russian military aerodromes, Russian logistics and other military sites, whose existence allows Putin to evade the search for peace, are quite fair goals for our defense forces. And everyone should understand that this is important in terms of all areas of hostilities and protection against all forms of Russian terrorist activity.

We need sufficient farminess to protect Ukraine from Russian missiles and managed airbombs, from the transfer of Russian troops and the pressure of the occupier on key frontal areas. Now, between this hall and Pokrovsky, as well as the Toretsky direction, where the most rigid Russian assaults are ongoing, about two hundred kilometers. Here you do not hear the roar of artillery and the approach of enemy drones.

But you should feel here and in the capitals of your work that Ukraine separates from the stop of promotion of the Russian army on the front only one decision we expect from partners. And this is a decision about farming. It is now a key protective solution that should support our warriors.

And this applies to the work of our diplomats, you and other representatives of Ukraine in America, in the United Kingdom, in France, in Germany, and also in those countries that are capable of themselves or by influencing partners to resolve issues of farming. I emphasize that Putin's response format to surgery in the Kursk region proves that there is no rational reason not to let us be truly strong, truly long -range.

And the situation in Donetsk is such that the further delay of partners with a de facto becomes the most significant support of the Russian offensive potential. The second is sanctions. I want to thank every country, every leader, every political force in partner states that protect the need for truly strong sanctions against Russia for this war.

But just like buffer zones in hostilities on Earth are dynamic structures that provide cleaning of certain areas from the military presence of the enemy, and when the territory is clean, the goals are shifting, and the sanction shield should be able to respond to existing threats, to respond here and here Now and for their update. The sanctions already applied by the world are actually restricting the economy and limiting Putin's regime. Thanks to this, the flow of time works to limit aggression.

However, Russia's shadow tanker fleet has become a new challenge. Russia's relations with modes such as Pyongyang and Tehran create new sources of threats, and not only for us in Ukraine. The Russian atomic industry is still used by Moscow to save its spheres of influence in the world. The Russian banking sector still has connections with the world.

This and other requires the expansion of the sanction shield - the release of sanctions on new directions of securing Russia with its military activity. And your task is to be lawyers of sanctioning decisions. The third is long -term agreements with partners. I thank everyone and everyone in the team of our country who works with partners over Ukraine's long -term support programs.

This also applies to armed support-regular formation and receipt of defense packages, as well as support of financial, political, support of our joint industries, in particular the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine. You all know that we are able to produce much more drones than we can finance our domestic production today. We are also constantly increasing the production of Ukrainian artillery. We work on the production of shells.

And all this is what you have to talk about with partners - you have to negotiate. And this is a very important task. Budget processes in the countries of your work will now continue, and among other things your task is to convince partners of the need for further investment in our common security. And it is important that you keep sufficient attention to timely logistics - that the declared support packages for Ukraine are sufficiently felt at the front and when forming the reserves of our army.

Now, unfortunately, logistics is slowed down, it is a fact, and this applies, in particular, to arrangements with our leading partners, from the United States. In addition, we have a complex of bilateral security agreements with partners, and each of them must be fully implemented, in particular for annual financial obligations. I expect that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine will be in all this effective executor of public policy.

Another task is to attract governments, international organizations, and regional leaders from your work countries, and the company to rebuild in Ukraine. This is one of the key criteria for determining the effectiveness of each ambassador. Ukraine needs specific projects from every country of your work. The fourth is the Ukrainian World Community. Today is a very painful question.

Just as any state has a geographical center, the Ukrainian state should be a real center for our already global Ukrainian people. Our people are in all parts of the world, in most countries. These are diasporas of different times, different waves of migration. Somewhere in the world of Ukrainians more, somewhere - less, but we need to be aware of our nation as a global because it is a fact.

Therefore, we must modernize our state institutions so that they are in line with the modern task of uniting all Ukrainians around Ukraine, around the protection of Ukraine, around the strengthening of our positions in the world. I think that for this we should strengthen our institutional presence in partner countries. This will be done in two ways.

Yes, the decision to open new consulates of Ukraine abroad, in particular in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, has already been made. Somewhere additional, somewhere the first in history, but it is very important - where there is the presence of Ukrainians, where Ukrainian communities need more attention.

At the same time, together with the usual work through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, we talked to the Prime Minister, we prepare the launch of a new institution, which will provide sufficient power of global Ukrainian unity. Millions of our people in other countries, their connections and relations with Ukraine, the protection of our common interests as a nation - all this will be the area of ​​responsibility of the new institution.

In fact, it should be the Ministry of Ukrainian Unity and Countering Russian influences on Ukrainians. First of all, abroad. We all see that Russia uses a frantic propaganda resource abroad, in particular addressed to Ukrainians. We see how many aspects of the spiritual independence of our people are not regulated and how Russia uses its own church structures for agent work and sowing of split.

We also see that the educational, cultural and informational needs of Ukrainians in other countries require more activity from our country. And this is a fundamentally new task for Ukraine - we have never had such part of our people abroad. I believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine alone will not cope with this. Because it is about millions of our Ukrainians. It will be wrong and just expect the implementation of appropriate tasks from different ministries and agencies.

A institution that will lead other state institutions to certain goals is needed. We will present all the details in the near future. And the fifth task, which is important to say right now, on the eve of autumn. Summit of peace. In my opinion, the inaugural summit has become extremely important, in my opinion, the success of Ukraine. I thank everyone and everyone who worked for our summit to happen. We are now preparing a second world of peace and we need to work so that it happens this year.

Do everything for that. We should continue to increase the range of people's first summit. Every ambassador of Ukraine, whose state of stay has not yet joined the communique, must draw appropriate conclusions. We also need the most vigorous work with partners in groups at the points of the formula of peace, and this is not just something purely political. It is necessary to work more actively with the media so that there is a constant and sufficient support in the formula of peace.

We need to work with analytical centers of different countries, in the countries of your work, so that there is an understanding of our vision of just peace. We need to be able to work with all the significant political forces, societies and leaders of these societies in different countries, and not only in our partners. Blue and yellow colors of our Ukrainian statehood, Ukrainian courage are a desirable symbol for many in the world. A symbol that people want to be near.

I expect that your work will add meaningful filling of our national colors. And a few more addressing things. The Euro -Atlantic - every representative of Ukraine must work in order to strengthen the understanding: NATO will only be complete with Ukraine in its composition. The EU - the negotiation process should be as dynamic as Ukraine needs. The Black Sea region - we need to work with all partners so that it is a region free from a Russian military threat.

You have to strengthen our initiatives as Grain from Ukraine, the Crimean Platform, and bilateral cooperation in the region. Africa - we need strong partnerships with those who respect international law. Ukraine needs economic interaction with Africa, security interaction, as well as direct diplomatic work, in particular in the format of the Forum Ukraine - Africa, which should take place. And I am very waiting.

Latin America - there are very good results in working with countries such as Chile and Argentina, with the Caribbean. We need to increase cooperation and the task of the relevant ambassadors and employees of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine - to implement our initiative to hold the Ukrainian Summit - Latin America. Japan - we have achieved a real strategic partnership and have to make such a model of relationships model.

The entire Asian space and the Pacific region is now one of the centers of events where the next decades will be decided. Ukraine has its view of global development, and this should be exclusively peaceful development within the world order based on the rules. Ukraine is ready to join the relevant processes as a safety donor and a defender of international order. We will strengthen our diplomatic presence in the Asian space.

Ladies and gentlemen! Dear Ukrainian diplomats! I am grateful to all of you who really work for our best for our country and people. And we must all keep our vigor by choosing victories for Ukraine and protecting the interests of Ukrainians. Our joint work depends on what weapons in our warriors, what ambitions can be implemented by Ukraine and which the future is expecting our country and Ukrainians. This is determined daily - what will Ukraine be tomorrow. Please don't lose a single day.