
Su-57 combat debut: whether the Russian Federation is to use the latest planes against Ukraine "to full"

Among other reasons for the PCS of the Russian Federation do not dare to battle the SU-57-the desire of Moscow to avoid reputation damage in case of loss of aircraft. In addition, stealth-characteristics are called by experts, to put it mildly, the question. The Russian Front Aviation has recently suffered significant losses, since since February 17 this year 13 aircraft, including 10 Su-34 fighters, have been destroyed by the Ukrainian Air Defense forces.

Military experts have called such losses extraordinary even by conservative standards. In this regard, the question arises whether the command of the PCS of the Russian Federation will be decided to send the latest Su-57 fighter jets, when the Su-34 just end. The Eurasian Times in this matter in this matter in the material of March 6.

Despite the fact that the Su-34 is considered the best Russian fighter-bomber, they are forced to enter the areas of covering the Ukrainian air defense to strike "smart" bombs. As a result, these machines are extremely difficult to evade Western air defense systems, such as Patriot, so military reviewers believe that Russian warlords should review their tactics for fighting.

"Since Russia continues to lose its battle aircraft over Ukraine, observers are questioned by the absence of the fifth-generation of Su-57 in the sky, which it is reported that they can evade the radars of air defense," the authors of the material write. It is also emphasized that Moscow has not yet dreamed of "full" to apply SU-57 during combat operations in the territory of Ukraine.

And this has an intriguing appearance, because the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2022 stated that the plane "showed itself brilliantly". Although on the other hand, the latest fighters still performed combat missions, strikes with long -range missiles.

In this regard, the British military assumed that Russia is likely to set itself the task of avoiding reputational damage, reducing export perspectives and threats to sensitive technologies that may occur as a result of any loss. Answering questions about the reasons for Russia's unwillingness to apply massively against Ukraine Su-57, the Indian military pilot, Captain Johnson Chaco said that the technology owned by this car did not guarantee invulnerability to the enemy's air defense.

In addition, the use of the latest machines for operational purposes will allow to identify its systems and potential, which will later be useful. "The use of any weapons system that transmits EM radiation reveals the characteristics of this radiation that the enemy can use to make the system ineffective. The use of the SU-57 can now make it ineffective in a larger War with NATO," Chaco said.

The senior researcher of the IPCS Research Institute Abujit Ayer-Mitra said more categorically, stating that the Su-57 turned out to be useless as an invisible aircraft, so India came out of its development program.

"The presence of infrared system of search and tracking in front of the cabin of the pilot, the absence of frequency-selective glass on the cabin, air intake channels, which lead directly to the engine without any masking, completely non-treated outputs of exhaust gases of the engine and extremely unsuccessful design-all this is an antistellus," The expert is convinced.

He added that the Russians try not to advertise the disadvantages of the fighter, because they do not need bad advertising in the world weapons market. Another reason may be a small amount of machines ready for operation, because it is likely that Su-57 is still under development. Information from OSINT Sources shows that the PCS of the Russian Federation is only 32 aircraft, of which 10 are intended for flight tests. Thus, the Russians have only one Su-57 squadron.