
In Russia for state treason, a US citizen who was raising money for the Armed Forces was detained

According to the Russian media, law enforcement officers detained Xenia Karelin, which has dual citizenship. The State Department of States did not receive consular access to the woman, but stated that they would "seek it. " The Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) stated that she detained a 33-year-old woman with double Russian-American citizenship on suspicion of treason for raising funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and allegedly open support for Kiev.

The US did not receive consular access to the detainee. About it reports CNN. According to the FSB, a woman who lived in Los Angeles was detained in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg for "providing financial assistance to a foreign country in activity against Russian security.

" "Since February 2022, in the interests of one of the Ukrainian organizations, she carried out an initiative collection of funds, which were further used for the purchase of tactical medicine, equipment, weapons and ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the FSB said. As reported in the Russian State Information Agency "RIA Novosti" it is about Xenia Karelin. According to journalists, she is currently challenging her arrest.

On the website of the regional court of Sverdlovsk, where the investigative case was opened, on Tuesday, February 20, the name Ksenia Karelina as accused under Article 275 of the Criminal Code - State betrayal was also indicated. According to CNN, the US State Department has stated that he was aware of the detained woman with US-Russian citizenship.

The State Department representative Matthew Miller told reporters on Tuesday that the United States did not receive consular access to it, but in the states they will seek it. According to Miller, Russia does not recognize dual citizenship and "considers it primarily a Russian citizen. " The CNN appealed to the US Embassy in Moscow for comment. Journalists point out that probably the New York non-profit organization "Together for Ukraine"-the organization to which the woman allegedly sent funds.