
Buckwheat is a new superfood. As in the world they are fascinated by buckwheat noodles and whether cereals are enough for all

In Ukraine, buckwheat is very popular: its annual consumption is more than 110 thousand tons, and periodic rise in price is the cause of consumer excitement and information reason for many news. The popularity of buckwheat in the world is much smaller, although news has begun to appear on demand growth lately. However, experts say that Europeans are unlikely to change their eating habits. The rtaeilers from whole Foods Market have presented the main trends in the foodstuffs they expect in 2024.

The list, in particular, included a splash of interest in buckwheat. Analysts believe that buckwheat is gaining momentum in the field of consumer goods due to its beneficial properties, protein content, carbohydrates and fiber, as well as the natural absence of gluten. There are novelties on the market already on the market as Buckwheat Maine Crisp crackers with spicy figs and thyme, a mixture of buckwheat pancakes and BOB's Red Mill.

And in December, the vegan chocolate-cardiac cookies of Fancy Pants Vegan with buckwheat flour. For Ukrainians, buckwheat is everyday food, but in Europe completely different taste preferences. Therefore, such an increase in interest from Western consumers is a little surprising. Focus, along with experts, has understood what is happening today in Ukraine and in the world on the Buckwheat Front. Buckwheat in Ukraine is so popular that its rise in price becomes a real "folk indicator" of inflation.

And together with the Borsch Index and the Sandex Index, "Some media outlets periodically also count the" buckwheat "index. However, pasta, which, in principle, is also a garnish and can become substitutes for buckwheat porridge, Ukrainians eat much more. But pasta is not cereals, so no one challenges buckwheat. "Ukraine is one of the leaders of buckwheat production and consumption, so we have this product so popular, and attention to it is great.

The buckwheat market is very limited, because it produces a small number of countries. Except Ukraine, it is, in particular, Kazakhstan, Canada , China, France, Poland, USA, etc. ", - said the executive director of the Seed Association of Ukraine in the focus of Ukraine.

The buckwheat market is very limited, because it is produced by a small number of countries earlier Ukraine has imported buckwheat from Russia and Belarus, and now, of course, covers the domestic market on its own - the efforts of Ukrainian farmers. "In 2021, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, Ukrainian agrarians gathered at that time a record 105 thousand tons of buckwheat, in 2022 this figure amounted to about 148 thousand tons," Grigorenko said.

In 2023, farmers increased the number of acreage to 141. 5 thousand hectares, so the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food predicted another record harvest. In the first week of October, agrarians were grounded 173. 8 thousand tons of buckwheat. It is important to mention that buckwheat is characterized by the fact that the crop can be harvested twice a season. According to the expert, the increase in acreage under culture can reduce the price of buckwheat in the domestic market.

"There is currently sufficient demand from processors, there is no excitement. Focus experts were "sensational" news about the splash of buckwheat popularity in the world. The director of the Economic Discussion Club, Oleg Pendzin, is convinced that the growing popularity of buckwheat is directly related to the migration of the Slavs to the EU. "From Ukraine to Europe went 6-7 million buckwheat lovers, plus about a million for Russia. There are no other reasons.

Those who believe that Europeans have appreciated buckwheat that they even began to change their taste preference In Europe, these are our "buckwheat", - the expert said in a focus comment. Of course, it may seem that interest in buckwheat in the world is increasing, but this is still a small percentage, adds Suzana Grigorenko. "However, it should be noted the nutritional properties of this cereals. It contains a lot of protein, which is good for certain population groups, including vegetarians.

Therefore, buckwheat is confident in interest like a new superfood. Buckwheat is also hypoallergenic. This makes it accessible to children and patients who need special nutrition, "-said the expert. She did not notice the splash of the popularity of buckwheat from Europeans and nutritionist-consultant Alona Yudin. " Buckw cereals. Previously, it was fed cattle, and in many countries, buckwheat is still not eaten, believing that it is food not for humans, ”the expert says.

It must be said that if there is really the practice of feeding animals on farms buckwheat, then everything in the world is all But now they are interested in buckwheat. Most, by the way, it is eaten in Lithuania - 8 kg per year, at a physiologically required norm of 7 kg. Buckwheat there is a national dish. In Benelux and the United Kingdom, buckwheat is sold even in diabetic pharmacies. Many consumes it in Japan, by the way, one of the largest importing countries about 50,000 tonnes annually.

And as animal feed is used, for example, in the US, " - said the executive director of the International Buckwheat Association Sergey Gromovy, reports Ukragroconsult. Alona Yudina is sure that one porridge cannot be much useful than another. " Oatmeal, no buckwheat. All cereals contain vegetable proteins and essential amino acids in different quantities.

The growth of popularity of buckwheat, which is said by Western analysts, is caused by the fact that it does not contain gluten, and today the gluten -free diet has gone far beyond the nutrition of patients with celiac patients and is very popular around the world. Recently, foreign nutritionists are only talking about it, perhaps, so the demand for gluten -free products is growing, "the dietary studied said.

Today the gluten -free diet went far beyond the nutrition contains gluten not only buckwheat, but also rice, millet. But millet is completely unpopular, and rice - on the contrary, is too popular, perhaps many people are tired. Of course, outside India, Indonesia, China, Thailand and Vietnam, where traditionally formed The largest market and the highest consumption of cereals in the world, and there are unlikely to change their views on basic products.