
"Who from the leg, whom from the hand": the military of the Armed Forces stroke about the evasion of mobilization

The fighter was filled with mobilization and evasion situation, so he sees a physical punishment. The fighters on the forefront are dissatisfied with the mobilization process in Ukraine and the number of evastors who are hiding from it. The military of the Armed Forces under the nickname "Bolbochanin" expressed his indignation on this occasion. He promises to apply physical violence to them.

"After the war, if you survive, I will *saw the evasion, who from the feet, whom it is out of hand," he wrote on his page. As an example, he cited his son -in -law, who lives in Poland and has received citizenship, but also has Ukrainian citizenship, so he is afraid to come to Ukraine, because he will be "burned to the Armed Forces". "That is, the" charm "system actually works," said the serviceman.

It should be reminded that in the Ternopil region a man who was detained by the employees of the Tax Code and immediately sent for training to study. He reported that he went to the Armed Forces voluntarily and asked not to take into account his daughter's statement on the network for his illegal detention. The instructors of the defense forces conducting the training of expired people who joined the Armed Forces are very pleased with their motivation.