
Key Fortress: The Coloredar prevents the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to continue the offensive in the Donbass - the platoon commander

According to the Oscar fighter, the invaders want to cut the logistics of the defense forces, so they were intensified in this direction. For the assault, the enemy uses "invisible cloaks" to imperceptibly won the positions of the Armed Forces. Russian invaders do not reduce the activity in the Donbass and the city of coal for them is a key point that does not allow you to continue further offensive.

This was stated by the commander of the platoon of the 72nd Brigade with the Oscar called in the comment "Public". According to him, the assaults are constantly occurring and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to throw a landing in the rear of the leading positions of defense forces in order to cut the line of security. "The enemy is attacking with equipment, infantry, combined. They try to break through from different sides, to wake up in defense.

There have been repeatedly attempts to leave armored vehicles somewhere for positions, throw away the landing. . Separately, the platoon commander said that the Russian invaders are collecting forces and attacking the Armed Forces communications and thus trying to break the delivery of ammunition. The enemy uses even special raincoats that are not reflected in the thermal Imperial. At night, enemy fighters go to positions, and in the morning attempts of storms from different directions begin.

Defense forces, in turn, destroy Russians from artillery, FPV and other anti-tank agents. In general, they continue to attempt to pressure in different directions of Donetsk region. "One of the key (directions, ed. ) Is a coal. Both Avdiivka and Marinka, and, in particular, carbon are key points, fortresses that stand and impede the advance of the enemy. Therefore, of course, they try to break through. It is extremely important to them, "Oscar summed up.

We will remind, on September 10 it was reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation partially took Pokrovsk under fire control. According to the co -founder of Deepstate Roman Pogoreli, the intensification of hostilities on the front does not stop. The enemy constantly regroups forces and attracts reserves to approach the desired city of Donbass. On September 9, it was reported how the Armed Forces will be protected by a coal fired on three sides.