
The Russians created protection of military equipment from thermal imagers: what are the downsides (photos)

Russian troops have already tested the warfare for military equipment in the war. However, he has some flaws. In Russia, they have created a "rmal sphere "on the basis of polyurethane, which complicates the detection of large military thermal images. The Russian edition "Izvestia" tells about it. The coating of the "Teplosphere" prevents the detection of military equipment by thermal radiation, from UAVs or other means equipped with thermal immays.

NTI Center "Digital Materials Studies: New Materials and Substances" MDTU them. Baumana, the developer of the coverage, said that it was already tested for wars in Ukraine and proved its effectiveness of the base - polyurethane and hollow microspheres made of glass. The mixture is filled with two -component polyurethane mastic with controlled curing at temperatures from –20 ° C to +40 ° C.

Polyurethane deforms, has high resistance to temperature and physical damage and good adhesion to various materials. The mastic from it is able to thinly under mechanical influence and vice versa, increases the viscosity at rest. It is easily applied manually on the surface, and after a slight use of the solvent, it can be applied by spraying. You can apply thermal masking on any technique and cars. Also, coating with a good reflection of heat can be used as a thermal insulation material.

The disadvantage of such a thermal disposal - the coating is a good burning to it you need to add a non -combustible filler so that it does not light. The coating is decomposed from water and sun, so it must be restored from time to time. Polyurethane is the main component of thermal insulation foam. Its combination with empty glass microspheres improves thermal insulation properties.

Mounting foam has a disadvantage, its extension is difficult to control (the hardened foam is then trimmed), and flammable substances such as propane are used for placement. But the biggest problem of coating is overheating of the equipment during movement. However, the material can be applied to the fabric or forming removable slabs. Despite the testing of coverage, Russian scientists are still working on improvement.

In addition to the risk of flash, the cost of the coating is also important: it is difficult to make too expensive material in the required amount and use massively. The development of thermal mixtures in Russia is long ago and the new material is not the first, but they all have certain problems and are not currently used in mass. Russian experts interviewed by publications are ambiguous and claim that its effectiveness and safety should be evaluated in further tests.

Earlier it was reported that Ukraine is developing a heat poncho for the protection of the Armed Forces fighters from thermal imagers of Russian invaders. This was reported in April last year that it was already tested in combat and daylight in the city up to 50 meters away. The test showed a positive result, and the authors received a patent for technology.