
The Pilot of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces disabled the battalion of the invaders: how did it succeed (video)

Zoryan began a scout and then became a pilot of a drone bomber. The military does not allow the Russians to storm the positions of their brigade, attacking from heaven live power and equipment. The UAV operator of the 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after Prince Roman the Great in the name of Zoryan struck 448 Russian invaders with the help of a drone bomber.

The military told the details of his service in a video with the name "Night bombers of the princely brigade". The fighter says that during his service operator in the Armed Forces he had to eliminate 140 Russian invaders and injure another 308, also destroyed a lot of equipment: "The total 200s and 300s, there will Nine "loaf", a few jeeps, two 82 mm mortars, one "Basil" destroy I fly and I do them, "the military says. The fighting is never interrupted, so Zoryan works with two shifts.

The brother works in the afternoon, and the rest of the star begins at 8-9 am. After sleep, he should prepare for night work. "I check how much I have prepared ammunition, batteries, charging. My partner looks to be charged antennas, generator, spinner. All night I work, I am working on a report, video diodelum, I order how much I need and go to bed," the guy says.

Like other drone operators, 14 OMBs are constantly working to improve drones, inventing and improving ammunition for more effective enemy damage. Zoryan's drone was studying at Boryviter's military school, after which he started working on the front line, first as a scout, and then in one or two months began to control the bomber drone. Now at night, he deals with discharges, seeks goals, and during the offensive performs aerotevic and detects the enemy.

But in the light of the day, it is still more interesting: "You see as in reality, and at night everything is black and white, heat, cold-and nothing. At night it is better to work with discharges, because the enemy does not see drone, but at night it is more difficult to navigate if it is bad Weather, "Zoryan says.

As a scout, Zoryan notices interesting moments from the tactics of the Russians: "When six to eight people go, and think that we do not see them, they begin to fall at one point and pretend to be dead. " But he has no regrets and does not start storming the brigade's position. Recently, there have been fears that Ukraine is lagging behind Russia in the production of drones.