
Su-34 on truck: Experts estimated the degree of damage to the Russian aircraft (video)

According to one version, the Russian front bomber could hit the Ukrainian air defense, as the fuselage shows traces, probably from the elements of the lesion. The network appeared on the network, on which the driver of the car removes, as in Russia on a truck transport a disassembled front bomber Su-34. The aircraft, apparently, was damaged and carried for repair. The video was commented on Defense 24, evaluating the degree of damage to the Russian machine.

First of all, it was stated that the aircraft was painted in a typical blue-green camouflage. On the trailer there was a fuselage without wings and stabilizers, there was also no nasal part with a radiocle. The aircraft had neatly painted or glued markings that could give a hint from which unit it arrived. In this regard, experts write, it is difficult to determine why the aircraft was taken to repair.

"One version is that the Su-34 simply worn as a result of intensive operation,"-suggested Polish reviewers. In favor of this version, the intensity of Russian aviation in the war zone in Ukraine is evidenced. Although the Russian soldiers try to keep their planes, take -offs, landings and hours spent in the air, by themselves lead to the wear of the machine and the components installed on it. The second version is that the aircraft was damaged during the combat mission.

Simply put, the car could get under the fire of Ukrainian air defense products. This version has a more plausible appearance, since carefully viewing can be found in fuselage, probably from the elements of the lesion. In addition, this SU-34 could be at the Air Base in Morozivsk, which was hit by the Ukrainian forces on December 20. According to Ukrainian sources, two SU-34 should be completely destroyed and up to 10 damaged, but there is no confirmation of this information.