
The Russian Federation complained about the improved UAV "Baba Yaga": what is their feature (video)

According to the invaders, the new Ukrainian copters "Baba Yaga" are now protected by 5mm armor and fly not only at night but also in the daytime. The Russian Federation claims that the forces of Ukraine began to use armored unmanned Baba Yaga. About it wrote the Russian Telegram-channel "Older Eddy". The author of the publication complained that the Ukrainian drones of Baba Yaga began to fly not only at night but also in the daytime.

In addition, he said, these UAVs are equipped with armor of 5mm steel, which covers all the main nodes and the battery. Thus, the drone became even more difficult to destroy. The Russians also posted a video where the Russian drone is destroyed by the Baba Yaga UAV. The very moment of destruction is not shown. Earlier, the author of another Russian Telegram-channel noted that Baba Yaga's drone drones are not very profitable and even a successful ram does not guarantee the destruction of the target.

Baba Yaga UAVs are quite strong and some of them are able to fly even after losing one propeller. It should be noted that "Baba Yaga" is a common name that Russians use for Ukrainian heavy copter bombs. These drones are equipped with thermal immiums and resistant to the action of radio -electronic struggle (HRB). Earlier, the Russians also complained that the "new" grandmother Yaga "carries large mines and has pipes for accurate ammunition.