
China will enter the war and hunger will come: a new nostradamus forecast for 2024 is revealed

A well-known astrologer is attributed to the prediction of Hitler's coming, terrorist attacks on September 11 and even the Covid-19 pandemic. The famous French astrologer of the 16th century Nostradamus made a number of forecasts for 2024. According to his text Les Profeeties ("Prophecy, 1555), in the coming year we are waiting for a global war, a humanitarian catastrophe and royal riots, writes New York Post. Nostradamus outlined his vision of his future in 942 poetic poetic poetry.

To put it mildly, vague, astrologer is attributed to the division of Adolf Hitler, the murder of US President John Kennedy, terrorist attacks on September 11 and even the Covid-19 pandemic. that "red opponent is pale from fear, giving horror in the Great Ocean. " Some think that "red opponent" is China with its red flag. "The Naval Battle" instead may relate to tension around Taiwan. By the way, China has the largest military -Ah Navy in the world.

The climatic crisis has become apparent in recent years. The number of droughts and forest fires has increased significantly, the air temperature on the planet is constantly rising. Nostradamus writes that it will only be worse. "The dry land will become even dry and then large floods will be. One of the excerpts of his text states that the "King of Islands" will be expelled by force: "A new king will be anointed, who will calm the earth for a long time.