
Laser air defense can appear in Ukraine in 2026 - Sergei Flash (Video)

The United Kingdom is working on Dragonfire Project. The first prototypes of the latest weapons are planned to be sent to the defense forces. Laser weapons can be strengthened by Ukrainian air defense. This was announced on the air of Kyiv24 by a serviceman and a specialist in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov, known under the pseudonym "Flash". He said that the British created a "very promising" project called Dragonfire.

"They came up with that if it is impossible to increase the possibility of a laser beam enough to knock down the whole there, you can put a lot of laser rays at one point to get a very strong signal level," the expert explained. According to the UK calculations, the project will be completed in 2027. This British invested 100 million pounds. However, in the UK, they stated that they would try to accelerate the laser weapon development process to pass the first prototypes to Ukraine.

It is expected that the latest air defense will appear in 2026. "As I often say, we, unfortunately, have become a landfill for weapons for all countries of the world. Therefore, of course, the United Kingdom, including wants to work out of our first test samples on this great landfill, where we all are with you We live, "Beskrestnov added. Recall that Ukraine can receive laser weapons, was confirmed by a spokesman for Air Forces Ilya Yevlash.