
Acknowledged the blame and pledged to help the Armed Forces for 1 million hryvnias: WAKS sentenced the Exputate sentence

The source of journalists said that it was a former deputy of the Ternopil Regional Council Oleg Shchigol, who was detained in March. He urged the wounded soldier of the Armed Forces to give him 50% of state aid, but was caught. The Ukrainian former MP Oleg Shigol, who demanded a rollback from the wounded military, was able to do a fine and assistance for the Armed Forces. This is stated in the material of the edition liga. net.

As a result of the hearing, the Supreme Anti -Corruption Court approved that a former deputy of the Ternopil Regional Council was to blame for demanding and corruption. The defendant pleaded guilty and now has to transfer a total of UAH 1 million to the help of the army, as well as to pay tens of thousands of hryvnias. The BCS published statement states that the accused "unconditionally pleaded guilty" and pledged to lose 405,000 UAH to support the defense forces.

At the same time, before the approval of the agreement, he transferred to the 4 mechanized battalion of a separate presidential brigade one interactive panel of Smart Board GX165-V3 (worth 90 000 UAH) and transferred UAH 500,000 to the Armed Forces. Upon recognition of guilt, the court obliged a former deputy to pay 68 000 UAH a fine with deprivation of the right to occupy positions related to the performance of functions of the state or local self -government for two years.

This sentence can be appealed for 30 days. One of the sources of journalists said that it was a former deputy Oleg Shchigol. The man was chosen from the "trust" party, but he defined himself as a non -party. The accused the day before he demanded a 50% rollback of 15 thousand hryvnias from the wounded soldier to get financial assistance. Although the serviceman had to get 30 thousand. In March, Oleg Shigol was detained.

Then the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Anti -Corruption Bureau pre -qualified the deputy's case for a more rigid part of the article on corruption, and if it was in court, it could be deprived of 10 years. Towards May, the investigation was completed and the case was qualified under the article under which the former deputy was found guilty.

We will remind, on July 27 it was reported that in the Ternopil region an official took bribes with certificates in a store of cosmetics and gasoline. She, together with his accomplices, demanded a bribe from a local entrepreneur for assistance in doing business, told the prosecutor's office. On June 14, it was reported that in the Odessa region a man gave a bribe to the SBU counter-intelligence officers to remove the foreigner.