
New Era for Army: The UK is preparing a new strategic defense review

The British army needs reforms through the Russian Federation in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East and the threat of China. The new Labor Government has officially launched a defense policy and a position that should be restarted through modern challenges. About it reports Breaking Defense. The strategic inspection of the Armed Forces aims to restart the devastated army, stop wasteful acquisitions, and meet the threats coming from Russia.

The review will be completed in the first half of 2025, and the work will begin immediately due to the awareness of the urgency of threats. Among the challenges is the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East and the rise of China. "At the beginning of a new era for Britain we need a new era for defense. Developed armed forces, waste of purchases and decline of the moral spirit cannot continue," said Defense Minister John Hil.

The review should also evaluate the overall condition of the British army, including the available resources. Separately, Labor emphasize that it is necessary to make sure that the principle of "NATO" is at the heart of the UK's defensive plans. Previous strategic reviews were in 2015 and in 2021, and there was a renewal in 2023 as a war in Ukraine.

At this stage, there are no indications of which large purchases will be protected or potentially reduced, except for the efforts associated with nuclear restraining, which Labor supported during the preparation for the general elections and commitment of the Aukus Union. During the election campaign, John Hili actively criticized the conservatives for planning to cut the army to 72 510 people, which have been the smallest of the Napoleonic troops.

However, he did not say how the number of royal army would grow for his cadence. George Robertson, an external defense, will head the review. He will be supported by Fiona Hill, who is a well -known National Security Specialist and Richard Berrons, an ex -commander of the United Kingdom Command. We will remind, the focus understood how the arrival of Labor to power will affect Ukraine and British defense.