
"Plun to that Russia": Lukashenko declared the proposal of the event to move to the side of Ukraine

The event policies seemed to propose to President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to "spit" on Russia and to allow NATO to stand on the border of the Smolensk region. He assured that he gave up 99% of the proposals. Belarus received proposals from the politicians of the event, which refused to refuse cooperation with the Russian Federation and about joining the war on the side of Ukraine. In this case, NATO countries could seem to be reached immediately to Russian borders in the Smolensk region.

Meanwhile, Belarus is engaged in a difficult thing - it is turned from east to west and is in the process of complete reorientation. President Oleksandr Lukashenko declared proposals received from Western politicians at the Republican Pedagogical Council, which took place on August 27. The main theses of the head of the Belarusian state were published on the presidential portal. Lukashenko arrived at the Pedrada to communicate about problems with the set of entrants at the universities of Belarus.

At the same time, he decided to touch political issues and stressed that Belarus was in a difficult situation. The main task is to protect at all costs "sovereignty and independence". Policy has to resolve these questions and answer, among other things, the proposals of the event. According to him, there were proposals to "turn away from the Russian Federation", somewhere - to retreat, somewhere - to release, and to engage in fighting on the side of Ukraine.

"We are advised now," Come on here, release there. Let you fight Ukraine against Russia, " - cited the Belarusian president of the word of possible Western interlocutors. The parties we cannot accept by 99%, "he said. We note that Lukashenko's statements were heard for 21 days of a breakthrough in Kursk region, which began on August 6. In the first days of breakthrough, Russian militant bloggers accused the Belarusian president that he is not just so The troops from the Ukrainian border.