
Black rains and frosts. How the war will affect the weather next winter and why explosions in Ukraine most destroy the ecology of Belarus and

Climatologist Svetlana Boychenko is convinced that the active phase of hostilities in the east and south will cause noticeable weather changes in Ukraine, as well as significantly damage the ecology of the aggressor country this year in Ukraine the winter arrival is discussed with particular excitement-because of the Russian invasion, Ukrainian military is preparing to meet frost and frost. Civilians are insulated in anticipation of a complex heating season.

Everyone is interested in the coming temperature jumps, while experts say global weather and climatic changes in the whole region caused by the active phase of war. About how Russian aggression affects the weather, HB talks to Svetlana Boychenko, a climatologist, a doctor of geographical sciences and a leading researcher at the Serafim Subbotin Serafim Institute of Geophysics.

- How is the active phase of war in Ukraine, including explosions and fires, pour into the atmosphere? - Environmental impacts are multicomponent. As a result of hostilities, the products of rockets and artillery shells are thrown into the atmosphere. And in certain regions, such as the east and south of Ukraine, they are permanent and multiple. Further, these shells hit the building, fires, and depending on the burning products, combustion products enter the atmosphere.

Most often, the warehouses are undermined, so it is mainly about nitrogen oxides, heavy metals and gas compounds. There are also fires that occur in natural ecosystems on agricultural land - the burning of sowing, forests and green forest strips, which are very many in the south of Ukraine. This causes additional emissions of gas and aerosol impurities and soot.

Further, gas emissions, including greenhouse, will enter the atmosphere, from mobile vehicles - aircraft and heavy equipment, which works on diesel fuel. This is added to aerosol soil particles that are formed as a result of explosions, rising into the atmosphere and turbulent streams can be transferred to different distances. As a result, harmful compounds can be formed in the atmosphere or useful.

- What are the consequences of such pollution? - All the effects of hostilities occur in the troposphere: they occur in the ground layer at a height of 15–20 m and then transferred several kilometers up, because the troposphere in our latitudes reaches 12–14 km. I would share the effects caused by war into three components: meteorological, weather and climatic.

The first is a change in optical and physicochemical characteristics of the atmosphere, that is, its blurring and the formation of additional gas-aerosol substances. For example, OH emissions destroy the tropospheric ozone, which works with greenhouse gases. There are also weather effects from military emissions. Gas-aerosol impurities, combustion products and soil particles can serve as condensation nuclei. This leads to an increase in cloudiness, precipitation and recurrence of thunderstorms.

It may also be acidified, and then we get acid rain. Or even black - when the core of condensation is soot, and the droplet has a grayish tinge. The impact of these combustion products lasts from several hours to several weeks, and then they are washed out of the atmosphere. But shelling in the territory of Ukraine is now happening constantly and constantly supply these particles into the atmosphere, and therefore the process of emissions is prolonged on the moon.