
The media calculated official data on the fallen Russians in Ukraine in 2023 (infographics)

According to journalists, the number of dead twice exceeded the data for 2022. Over the two years of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 71,000 Russian servicemen were killed. About it reports the media "Important histories" with reference to the updated data of Rosstat about the number of dead. Journalists calculated losses based on the method of excess mortality. According to the authors of the calculations, in 2023 the excess mortality of men (20-49 years) was 42 thousand people.

The authors of the publication also reported the method used in the analysis. "If you add up to 42 thousand dead from 20 to 49 years, calculated on the basis of excess mortality, another 6% of those killed in other age groups, the overall estimation of losses in 2023 will be 45 thousand" - It is a post. It is reported that the total losses over the two years of the war, which is visible in the statistics of Rosstat, exceeded 70,000.

Because death can be recorded in the region of residence and in the place where he died in Ukraine. Rosstat does not report mortality in the occupied regions, and the missing persons also do not fall into statistics. Recall that, according to NYT, the Russian Federation lost more than 1000 soldiers a day in May. The transition to open terrain through drones has become a suicide. It was also reported that Ukraine's defense forces destroyed the launchers of the Russians in the Belgorod region.