
"Amazing nervousness": Macron responded to the threats of nuclear stroke of the Russian Federation

The Kremlin's nuclear threats were not frightened by French President Emmanuel Macron. Instead, the Frenchman is surprised that the Russians are not able to hold themselves in their hands. French President Emmanuel Macron responded to the threats of ViesPicer of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Peter Tolstoy. Tolstoy emotionally stated that Russia "would kill all the French" who move on the Ukrainian land. This statement was so emotional that it did not need any answers.

About how Macron commented Tolstoy, told on the portal of BFM TV. The President of France voiced his position on the threats of the Russian during a visit to the meeting of the European Council in Brussels, - the journalists explained. At a press conference, he wondered that he would answer Tolstoy. Macron explained that he would not comment on the "sharp statements of the Russians".

According to him, Russian politicians began to act "too nervous" and "images", hearing about the possibility of the emergence of the Western Army in Ukraine. "I believe that their insults are enough to comment on them," the politician said. However, the President of France still has one reaction to the statements of the Russians - he is surprised. At the same time surprised not by the sharpness of the words of Tolstoy, but by the inability to control emotions.

"Surprised by such nervousness and such a absence of nerves in Russian officials," the journalists of Macron said. It should be noted that in February 2024 the French president reported that it suggests the possibility of sending the Western military to the territory of Ukraine. Germany's reaction to such a statement was sharply negative, but other countries - for example, from the Baltic - agreed that it could be done so.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, in turn, thanked the support of the European colleague. Subsequently, the application for the introduction of the unit was somewhat specified. In particular, they noted that they would not be fighting. Instead, they can protect the port in Odessa or mine, - the media wrote. Meanwhile, the French were spoken by VesPicker and Russian propagandist Petr Tolstoy.