
The star of the series "Friends" almost killed a man by confusing him with a Russian

The incident happened in Gostomel in 2022, where Yaroslav Shakhtorin drove his wife. The man guarded the house with a shotgun when he came across a neighbor who came out. Ukrainian actor Yaroslav Shakhtorin, known as the performer of one of the roles in the series "Friends", in 2022 almost did not deliberately murder a civilian in Gostomel (Kyiv region), who was accepted for the Russian occupier. The actor told this in an interview with TSN, which was published on Wednesday, February 21.

In the first days after the full -scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Shakhtorin, together with his wife, Taisia, came to Gostomel to Yaroslav's father. Shakhtorin Sr. , who had a permit for two shotguns, agreed with his son that they would be guarded the house in turn.

"On my first duty I went after four hours of sleep, sitting, howling a strong wind, and suddenly I hear someone walking our veranda, as if one of the Russians climbed a fence and goes to the house, I jump into the center of the yard, I pull the fuse and think: Everything, I will shoot now. These emotions almost fired at a neighbor, " - told the actor to journalists. As it turned out, the "occupier" was a man who came out, and accidentally came across his armed neighbor.

However, Yaroslav still managed to meet the Russian military. However, then the Ukrainian and the Russian only exchanged views. The actor says that in the early days, his mood was elevated. The streets on which the house of Shakhtorin's father was located was traveled by the armored vehicles "Kozak" and "Warta". The local then seemed that the Ukrainian military would "clean" the territory of Russian invaders very quickly and restore order.

But the next day, the actor's family was already forced to hide in the basement of the house. Shakhtorin himself was interested in the helicopters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Every morning and evening, they kept the Gostomel, and "went" at a rather low altitude. So one day, when he heard the hum of military equipment above his house, the man left the storage. Just then, the Russian Ka-52 flew above the ground above the ground.

For one second, Yaroslav "When they flew over the house, he met with a helicopter. It was creepy", - the actor confessed in conversation with journalists. For the second time, he saw the Russian military in his own eyes when he went to the minetorin into the house. According to the actor, the occupier was even younger than himself and looked confused. However, he was in full combat equipment and hung with weapons. Then, after having in the house for a few minutes, the Russian came out.

And later, when he heard about the terror of the local residents in Bucha, Shakhtorin realized that they and his wife were lucky. We will remind, a little earlier the wife of the Ukrainian composer Igor Ladya told how the invaders wanted to kill her husband. During the occupation of Vorzel, the Pskov paratroopers were equipped in the house of Igor Pid Lad and his wife.

The occupiers crushed souvenirs, drank elite alcohol, destroyed a book about the composer himself, and finally "stuffed" the premises of mines and grenades. In addition, Ukrainian actress Natalia Sumska said that she is most frightened in the present war in Ukraine. People's artist is shocked by large -scale missile attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, which results in destroying entire cities.