
Sri Lanka invited compensation for the war in Ukraine in Ukraine (photo)

According to Sri Lanka Foreign Ministry, representatives of two fear discussed the payments to families 17 dead and wounded mercenaries, as well as early termination of contracts of recruited citizens. Sri Lanka invited compensation in Russia for the death of her people's citizens during the war in Ukraine. This is stated on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka.

According to the report, this issue was discussed during negotiations in Moscow, headed by the State Foreign Minister Tarak Balasuria. The delegation from Sri Lanka met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andriy Rudenko and Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Fomin. The topic of discussion was the payment of families of 17 dead and wounded mercenaries, early "termination of contracts of recruited and payment of proper rewards".

However, the number of wounded mercenaries in the message is not specified. "During the meeting, Sri Lanka proposed to create a joint work committee that will consist of two parties who will hold regular meetings to resolve the issues and problems of the Sriplanians who have been deployed. Both parties agreed to continue the interaction on the issues under consideration," -The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka said.

As Radio Liberty writes, at least two thousand Lancans on both sides are allegedly involved in the war on the side of Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry did not provide detailed information about the meeting. The official statement of the department mentions only the discussion of "topical issues of the Russian-Lankan agenda". Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka reported that many of the Lanka people were recruited to participate in the war.

The Russian side allegedly promised high salaries, rear work and citizenship. It is noted that at the end of last year, the Sri Lanka authorities closed the agency that was engaged in recruiting citizens to participate in hostilities on the side of Ukraine. We will remind, on June 11, the Western media wrote that at least 22 Lannika, who joined the Russian troops, were able to desert and return home. Some of them said that they had been deceived.