About the war near Kharkiv, Ukrainian drones and mobilization: interview "Focus with the commander of the battalion" Achilles "
Now the fighters are in the Kharkiv region, where they hold back the enemy invasion and destroy Russian military equipment. The focus spoke with the commander of the legendary battalion Yuri Fedorenko, who told the situation on the Northern Front, the development of drones in Ukraine, the mobilization and acceleration of our victory. The Kharkiv direction remains an important strategic point for the enemy.
How did the tactics of Russian storms change? In the Kharkiv direction, Russian troops continue to attempt to reach the administrative boundaries of Kharkiv. In May, the enemy involved considerable forces, but thanks to the rigid resistance of the defense forces, he failed to achieve this goal. Now the Russians are increasingly resorting to combined attacks, using hiking with light -armed and high -power equipment.
However, such actions do not bring significant success due to high losses in live strength and technology. The tactics of the enemy include the activity of sabotage and intelligence groups (DRGs) that try to penetrate our battle order, sometimes even masking under the Ukrainian military. However, most of these groups are successfully manifested and eliminated. How do our forces adapt to these changes? Ukrainian troops are constantly improving their tactics and fixed in important positions.
In particular, the 92nd assault brigade and the 13th Brigade of NSU "Khartia" conducted successful counter-commissions, reflecting a number of positions, in particular in the deep area. Thanks to the coordinated actions, the enemy's technique was broken and the assault units were liquidated. Defense forces are also actively working on the destruction of enemy reserves and equipment. For example, in the battles in the Kupyansk direction, the Russians lost about 90 pieces of equipment per week.
This approach can significantly slow down the offensive actions of the enemy. Are the enemy success in other areas of the front? In the direction of Kolesnikivka in Kupjanshchina, the enemy partially advanced, in particular, he entered the settlement of Kruglyakivka. However, his positions remain unprepared, and he suggests heavy losses. For example, only one of the landings found 139 bodies of Russian soldiers.
The enemy also tries to advance in the direction of iron, but every tactical success is accompanied by excessive losses, which demoralizes personnel. How is the future situation in this direction assessed? Russia continues to look for reserves, attracting even persons who have been deprived of liberty. At the same time, discipline in their units is supported by rigid methods, up to physical coercion.
The enemy is likely to continue to break into Kharkiv, but with the support of the Ukrainian nation and international partners, the forces of defense are able to restrain and defeat the enemy. In the Kupyansk direction, the task of the enemy to go to the Left Bank Kupyansk and Kupyansk-Nuzlovy until November 1 remained unfulfilled. Now Ukrainian fighters hold their positions and continue to knock out the enemy from the key points.
What do we need to do to knock the Russians out of the Kharkiv region? Can we do it soon? A set of measures is needed, and Ukraine is already actively working on their implementation. The key role is played by the rear support: Ukrainians who remain in the country, work in enterprises, ensure the functioning of the economy and critical infrastructure. This is extremely important, because the war wins not only the army, but the whole nation.
The stability of the rear and success at the front allow our diplomats to negotiate international assistance: financial support, weapons supply, development of missile programs and drones that work effectively in Russia, returning the war to its territory. The mobilization process is also important. Trained people are needed to use modern equipment and weapons. Improving mobilization and recruiting programs will provide a resource for combat missions.
With enough prepared military and weapons, you can gradually displace the enemy from the Kharkiv region. This task cannot be completed instantly - it takes time to accumulate forces and resources, as well as to carefully plan operations. However, with the cohesion of the nation, support of partners and successful work of defense forces, this is a real task. Achilles Battalion has already become a legend in the destruction of hostile equipment.
What are the most valuable or the most aware goals? Are there moments that personally impressed you? The score of the destroyed goals is already on thousands. In addition to armored and armored vehicles, the unit successfully destroys enemy drones, including models such as SuperCam and Zala used for reconnaissance. The battalion also has in its account the beating of valuable means of air defense of the enemy, in particular the SCR "Thor", "Beech", "shell".
These systems cost from $ 16 million or more, and their destruction or damage significantly reduces the enemy's combat efficiency and increases the safety of our intelligence drones. Among the important achievements of the battalion is the elimination of ammunition depots in the Russian Federation, which provided a rear supply of the enemy. The destruction of such objects not only weakens the enemy's resources, but also complicates its actions on the forefront.
The more we knock out the enemy on the territory of the Russian Federation, which more we destroy its potential, the less it is on the front line of its weapons, equipment, etc. And the less they work in our positions on the front line, the more we have the ability to keep positions and take shock-assaulting. To date, the Achilles Battalion provides the full range of damage and destruction of the enemy's goals from the front line to sufficient depth in the operational space.
Russia continues to throw equipment on the front massively, or is it visible signs of its deficiency? Is it noticeable that the enemy began to use resources more carefully? Definitely the enemy uses resources more carefully. If there was a lot of equipment at the beginning of the year, a change in approaches is now noticeable. The increase in the number of unmanned systems and their modernization, including resistance to radio electronic struggle (HRB), changed the nature of hostilities.
The enemy is more likely to use drones for reconnaissance and fire, gradually removing light armored and armored equipment away from the area of the lesion of our drones. This increases the length of their logistics, which, in turn, gives us more time to identify and destroy the equipment.
At present, the enemy does not have a critical deficit of technology, but the situation is deteriorating for him because up to 90% of equipment, which finds himself in the area of defeat of our means, is destroyed on the battlefield. This makes the enemy look for alternatives and switch to less effective means. Mass use of high -power equipment in most areas of the front is no longer possible.
As a result, the enemy is increasingly relying on the "terry" - the assault infantry with different levels of preparation that it throws at attack, instead of effective equipment. Drones have become an integral part of the war, and what is the difference between Ukrainian and Russian drones? What are we already ahead, and what else should we work on? It is possible to distinguish Ukrainian and Russian drones by several key characteristics, and every month the situation on the front changes.
Let's start with "wing" reconnaissance drones. Russia has a powerful industrial base for the production of apparatus such as "eagle", which are equipped with an internal combustion engine, capable of staying in the air for a long time and adjusting the enemy's fire. There are also "trains" such as SuperCam and Zala, which work in combination with "lancets".
At the beginning of 2023 the situation was not in our favor: for every five of our drones we lost five during the week, and the enemy - only one or two. This was due to lack of air defense products to protect against such attacks. However, by 2024, the defense forces have improved their drones, compensating for the lack of air facilities and learning to effectively destroy enemy drones, which allowed to reach parity with the enemy.
Under the current circumstances, we have reached a balance of losses, and in some cases even gained an advantage. As for shock drones-Kamikadze, at the beginning of the year, Russia actively used "lancets", and we had only single means. Most units of the Armed Forces now use shock wings of Kamikadze of different types. For example, the Ukrainian Dron RAM was recently presented, which is close to Lancet.
This means that we have almost reached a level that will allow you to more effectively destroy the equipment and artillery of the enemy. As for the FPV-oules, in early 2024 their advantage was on the enemy side-one enemy drone for 7-8 ours. But now the situation has changed, and in most of the front folds we have provided parity, and some even have an advantage.
Russia has an advantage in drones on fiber thanks to access to Chinese materials, but Ukraine also actively tests and develops similar technologies in cooperation with European partners. DJI products, like Mavic 3, are still in the enemy arsenal, but Ukrainian developments are already approaching the level to replace them.
As for night bombers, Ukrainian models have been modernized for better protection against enemy radio struggle, and we are maintaining leadership in this category, and we also successfully use drones to fight hostile drones. Russia has not yet been able to reach the same level in night operations. Regarding the provision of drones, at the beginning of 2024 the Achilles battalion received 40% of drones from the state, and 60% from Ukrainian citizens and business.
Currently, the share of state supply has increased to 65%, while the other 30-35% provides Ukrainian society. Thus, Ukraine has significantly improved its ability to use drones, although there are still some aspects where the enemy has an advantage. Do you think you need to change the scale or technology of drone production in Ukraine? It happens.
Are there any examples of successful business cooperation in this direction? It is worth noting that communication between the front units and manufacturers is a key factor. The front is constantly exchanging information about new technologies, solving tactical problems and work of various means. Many private companies are actively cooperating with the military because they understand that what they develop can be purchased by the state at the request of the front.
This interaction has made it possible to significantly improve the modernization of technology, including night bombers, reconnaissance wings and FPV. As a result, due to this cooperation, the amount of inefficient products has significantly decreased, and the quality of equipment has improved significantly. What about the work of the Ukrainian I ride? What percentage of enemy drones can neutralize? I cannot say for all Ukraine, I have no statistics.
But it is important if we talk about portable HCD systems, the vast majority are provided by the Ukrainian people and volunteer organizations. I can even explain why this happens. Business is higher - there is a request from the front, the business immediately begins to respond to it. The state moves a little more slowly in any case, it is not only in Ukraine. Compared, business is a high -power train, and the state is a cargo that goes a little longer.
Always Ukrainian business and nation come in initiatives, the first, concerning high -tech things. However, there are things that the state does very well. For example, it is a rocket program, in particular, during a full -scale war and the constant application of fire damage to these enterprises by the enemy, we were able to maintain the possibility of almost closed cycle of production of rockets and jet drones.
During the start of the full -scale war, the system of radio electronic struggle at the expense of business, Ukrainians, financing of government programs has become much more quality. Again without idealization of processes, we have a lot of problems, these tools need more, they should be more unified, but in one way or another we have become exactly stronger. Today, the mobilization system often causes discussions.
In your opinion, you can make this process more effective to increase the number of volunteers? There are two key points to decide. The first is general military training for all citizens of Ukraine. All should be conscripted and the state must create a program of all -military training. It is necessary to start this process at school and continue up to 23 years. Preparation should include topography, tactical medicine, the basics of military affairs.
This is extremely important because we face situations every day when people die due to the lack of qualified domedic assistance. If national training is systematic, then we will receive citizens who are already ready for mobilization and can effectively perform combat missions or other functions in the army. That is, the preparation should not be one -off, but continuous? That's right. It should last up to 23 years.
Only when a person will systematically undergo training for several years will it become part of a well -prepared nation. This is also important in terms of national security - the prepared nation is an additional deterrent to the aggressor. What about the mobilization and recruiting process? There are also important changes here. I believe that it is necessary to create an effective recruiting system where every citizen can choose a unit and a position without fear of getting into another unit.
Recently, applications such as "Army+" have appeared that allow you to mobilize directly into the brigade. This greatly facilitates the process for those who want to serve. However, you also need to improve information policy, explaining that the defense service is a chance to protect your family and country, not just a duty.
How do you evaluate the reservation situation? The problems were at the beginning when the reservation system did not work perfectly and did not always book those who were needed. But now this issue is already being resolved, and in the near future we expect improvement of this system. What about the preparation of personnel? Over the past year, training centers have significantly improved the quality of training.
The term of the general military training is increased to 45 days, and the mandatory adaptation for recruits is at least 17 days. This allows for recruits to better understand how to act in combat, work in a team and perform tasks. So we can say that mobilization and training of personnel have improved significantly today? Yes, really. Thanks to these initiatives, we can expect to improve the quality of mobilization and preparation of our military.
Trained servicemen are the key to efficiency, safety and success in the battlefield. Did you say that mobilization should be from 23 and how many? To date, mobilization is limited to 60 years of age, if I am not betrayed. I would not change this limit, but it is important to keep in mind that there are different positions in defense, and every citizen's health may be different. For example, at the very beginning of a full -scale war, we had the case - my grandfather Nicholas, who was 72 years old.
He led an active lifestyle, was a respectable person, and even to this day we keep in touch with him. Mykola's grandfather exceeded many young people in endurance, the ability to perceive information, responsibility and ability to perform combat missions. But it is also the case that a person is 45 years old, and he has health problems because of hard physical labor at harmful enterprises such as mines, or because of the need to work on several work to provide his family.
Therefore, I believe that the age of mobilization from 60 years should not be reduced. Instead, it is important to evaluate the health of each candidate and his ability to perform combat missions qualitatively. What do you think is the most important for the acceleration of our victory? Is the efforts of the state, volunteers and international partners enough today? The most important thing is the unity of the Ukrainian nation.
If we are single, we will be able to keep the system and in the shortest possible time restore Ukrainian statehood, returning our territories. But this is possible only if unity. If we start quarreling with each other, the enemy will reach its goal. We should remain single - without dividing into those whose family is fighting, and those whose do not fight. Everyone should realize that sooner or later they will have to participate in the struggle for Ukraine.
We need to maintain unity and not be subject to information manipulations that the enemy actively spreads in our society. It is necessary to objectively evaluate reality. If we do so, we have every chance of winning this war and making Russia lost its ambitious intentions for a long time. The Ukrainian nation today is the force that gives our diplomats the opportunity to negotiate additional funding, supply of weapons and permits.
Recently, Andriy Yermak suggested that Trump's team to fight the territory as of 2022.
Як ви вважаєте, чи не означає це, що ми не зможемо повернути території станом на 1991 рік? Наша головна задача зараз — не допустити втрати території, зупинити ворога, розгромити його і позбавити можливості здійснювати ударно-штурмові дії. Це першочергова мета.
Друга задача — сформувати передумови для повернення нашої території. Як ви вважаєте, ми зможемо повернути всі наші території? В перспективі — так.
На поточний момент основне — зберегти українську державність і створити умови для того, щоб згодом відновити контроль над усіма нашими територіями. Повернення до меж 1991 року — це наша мета. Шлях до цього ще потребує значних зусиль.
Зараз ми повинні зосередитися на тому, щоб мінімізувати втрати і створювати умови для відновлення нашого контролю. Путін теж не вічний, і ще не зрозуміло, з яким результатом Росія завершить цю війну, і на яких умовах війна завершиться для України.
Ми маємо боротися як нація за повернення всіх своїх територій. Як ви думаєте, скільки часу нам знадобиться для цього? На жаль, ніхто зараз точно не може відповісти на це питання.
Що нам зараз потрібно, аби пришвидшити повернення територій 91-го року? Найголовніше — це зберігати єдність, підтримувати наші Сили оборони та працювати надзвичайно наполегливо.
Якщо ми встоїмо, збережемо українську державність, я впевнений, що з часом ми зможемо повернути всі наші території. Які конкретно будуть шляхи — на сьогоднішній день є кілька можливих напрямків, і все залежить від того, що відбудеться в наступному році.
Зокрема, ми будемо бачити, як буде розвиватися ситуація після вступу Трампа в повноваження нового президента США та як це вплине на підтримку України. Можливі різні сценарії.
Можливо, Україні нададуть додаткове озброєння або військовий контингент для підтримки на полі бою.
Є ймовірність, що Росії накладуть ще більш жорсткі санкції, які послаблять її здатність вести високонінтенсивну війну, а в подальшому — це може призвести до економічної та політичної деградації Росії. Тому є ймовірність, що це спричинить зміни в керівництві Росії.
Всі диктатори мають одного основного ворога — це час, і Путіну далеко не 18 років. На це питання неможливо дати точну відповідь, бо є багато невизначених факторів, і, на жаль, не все залежить від нас. Однак те, що залежить від нас, ми маємо робити на 300%.
Радянська система намагалася переконати людей, що є маленькі люди, від яких нічого не залежить. Українська нація довела протилежне — від кожного з нас залежить те, де ми перебуваємо сьогодні, як працюємо і де будемо завтра.
На початку повномасштабної війни кращі розвідки світу, наші партнери, говорили, що ми не витримаємо більше трьох тижнів. Росія оцінювала наш опір максимум у три дні.
Зараз ми маємо третій рік війни, і противник не може здійснити суттєвих проривів на фронті, лише повзучі наступи і тактичні успіхи. Тому все в наших руках.
Нагадаємо, 2 грудня в росЗМІ повідомили, що адміністрація президента РФ Путіна готує регіональних чиновників до завершення війни.
Так під час семінару для віцегубернаторів у підмосковній Майстерні управління "Сенеж" обговорювати створення "образу перемоги", який потрібно транслювати росіянам.