
Ukrainians actively buy expensive cars during the war: popular brands and models (photos)

The share of premium cars in the Ukrainian market is 18. 5%. BMW models are in greatest demand. Demand for expensive cars in Ukraine remains high during the war. In the first half of 2024, sales of premium class models decreased by 1% compared to the record 2023. Such statistics are published by Auto-Consulting Information and Analytical Group. In June, premium sales grew by 7%. Their share in the market is 18. 5% (last year it reached 21. 7%).

In most regions there is a slight decrease in demand for expensive cars. However, in Ternopil, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv regions it increased. The premium leader is a BMW brand with a 3% growth of sales and a record indicator for itself in Ukraine. The second place is Mercedes-Benz with a fall by 36%. The demand for Lexus increased by 10%, and Audi - by 56%. The most popular models in the segment are BMW.