
"Civic War": A dramaler of the drama-anthutopia about the gloomy future of the United States was released

The frightening first trailer for the future movie screenwriter and director Alex Harlend tells how some states will be separated and war will begin for the White House. The first trailer for the epic anthutopia movie about the collapse of the United States, the formation of new alliances and the war between them. "The empires will fall," the trailer says until the flag flies with only two stars. One of the main roles in the picture was played by Kirsten Danst. The Verge writes about it.

The plot of the film is kept secret, and the description only says that the new movie will show "White House Race in the near future, when America balanches on the edge of the razor. " But the trailer can be understood that 19 states separated, the US Army has intensified its activities, there are references to something called the "Western forces" of California and Texas, as well as the Florida Alliance.

The US President, played by Nick Ferferman, states that the ongoing uprising "will be quickly suppressed. " And Kirsten Danst, apparently, heads a group of journalists trying to penetrate the US Capitol. A tense clip is full of frantic plots, but one of the episodes clearly sets the tone when the character of Wagner Mouri ("Dar") playing a journalist, says an armed military (Jesse Plezmos): "There was a misunderstanding, we are Americans.

" What is the Plezmos character for the sake of it, "Ok, but what kind of American are you?" In another episode, the journalist tells a woman in a clothing store that has begun a civil war, to which she replies that "they are trying to stay away from all this. And apparently, it will benefit the United States.