
Sweden in NATO is the failure of Russia. How will the war in Ukraine affect the Alliance in Ukraine

Sweden's accession to NATO will also affect the war in Ukraine, the international security expert Joslin Brodferer is convinced. In her Atlantic Council column, she emphasizes the importance of a new Alliance member in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sweden's introduction "NATO" and strengthens its arsenals the long -awaited Swedish introduction means that NATO's bench is now thirty -two allies - and this is already integrated.

Which will soon become an ally will necessarily appear in the starting lineup. With the longest Baltic Sea coastline among all European countries, Sweden will actually turn this sea into NATO Lake, providing increased strategic and operational coordination in one of the most vulnerable regions of the North Atlantic Union.

Stockholm will also bring to NATO its huge military potential, from a significant fighter park to cyber defense, as well as with its deep understanding of Russia, the most pressing threat that knocks on the NATO door. It is important to note that the new NATO ally will provide industrial and innovative potential that the Alliance needs so desperate in a long war in Europe.

In 2024, Sweden will reach the NATO defense control level of 2 percent; It has a reliable ecosystem of startups and innovative networks; The country's export-oriented defense industry is a home for leading companies that produce modern equipment and control and control facilities.

For allies who are faced with the need to support Ukraine and replenish their tricky reserves, more access to the powerful defense industry of Sweden will fill critical gaps that will help the North Atlantic Union meet the production needs and accelerate the development of new technologies necessary for the future.

The big step forward, taken by Sweden, followed immediately after the death of the leader of the Russian opposition Alexei Navalny and at a time when the Russian threat is more acute than ever. But this new event is an important reminder that Putin has fallen into Ukraine. Putin has not yet managed to break the determination of brave Ukrainians, and his actions have led to NATO more than more cohesive and better equipped than before.