
Peace for Ukraine and a just end of this war is daily and very hard work - the President during the presentation of a new Foreign Minister

I wish health! Glory to Ukraine! Dear present! Dear Mr. Minister, Andriy Ivanovich! Dear our Ukrainian diplomats, all employees, workers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine! First of all, I want to thank everyone and everyone who really works for the protection of our country, to protect Ukrainians, our people.

It is very valuable that Ukraine in the most difficult time of its history can rely on your professional experience, the professionalism of Ukrainian diplomats, and this is part of our protection - your work. Andriy Sibiga and until February 24, and after 24, it was absolutely fundamentally working and working for the sake of Ukraine to truly resist Russia. I am grateful to Andriy Ivanovich for this support from the first not just days, but the hours of invasion.

And I know that he always tried and tries that our Ukrainian, diplomacy could fulfill all state tasks. Now the minister can accurately direct the Ukrainian diplomatic service so that Ukraine gets the most important result: a reliable peace, a just peace for all our people - a victory for Ukraine. It is important that you all understand the meaning of this time correctly - you are a diplomatic part of the whole team of our country, which will lead Ukraine to peace.

And in this regard, I want to emphasize such priorities. Although we recently met and talked about important things, but some things I would like to emphasize separately. First. When I became President of Ukraine and saw the Ambassador of Ukraine in Turkey, it really aroused respect. And I heard the respect of Turkish President of Ukraine. Andrey Sibiga, working in Turkey, spoke in Turkish, was well aware of the culture and customs of Turkey.

This is emphasized by President Erdogan in our conversations. He communicated with people who define Turkey's policies. And just as he worked in Poland: he knows the language, understands the culture and spirit of this country, communicates closely with political and public leaders. This, in my opinion, should be the standard for Ukrainian representatives abroad. Working on the ambassador of Ukraine means to understand the country in which you work, and you must be able to be heard in this country.

I expect, Andriy Ivanovich, to such a fair attitude to all ambassadors - a professional attitude to all ambassadors of our country, consuls, other representatives: we need diplomats that add respect to Ukraine. You worked at this level and know exactly how the representation of Ukraine should function. Second. We need more attention with relations with the neighbors of Ukraine. It is impossible to lose this neighborhood, no matter what it may be.

We understand how difficult the political process is, for example, now in Poland. And especially, that a new electoral process will soon begin. We understand the situation in Hungary, we understand the situation in Slovakia, in Moldova, in Romania. All this requires delicacy, perseverance and protection of Ukrainian interests, as well as our common interests with neighbors. We can only protect our region together, and much depends on your skill, on the skill of Ukrainian diplomacy at all levels.

Third. Ukraine's protection requires a global understanding of what is happening. We must be heard and known in all regions of the world. Much has already been done for this. I am grateful to everyone who did it. But it takes more, and much. In particular, in Latin America, Africa, in Asia. At the same time, we must be understandable for our ancient partners - for all. The Ukrainian position should sound in the world, and this can be done when Ukrainian diplomacy is truly active and truly systemic.

Fourth. We have absolutely urgent need for supply for the front and to ensure the stability of our country. Defense packages that are announced should be supplied as promptly as possible. Our partners need to know every need and every opportunity for our cooperation with them.

Provision of the front, joint defense production, reconstruction in Ukraine, strengthening sanctions against Russia and the use of Russian assets for the sake of Ukrainian protection, support of our communities abroad - this should be the directions of permanent work of every Ukrainian diplomat. And fifth. This year, we need an effective second world of peace. This means the maximum involvement of the world in the implementation of the formula of peace.

And the maximum strengthening of our positions to make a real, fair process of restoring peace. For example, today the 94th country-Panama-joined the communique of the first world of peace. And every ambassador of Ukraine in countries that have not yet joined should make sure that its country of residence is better understood by the formula of peace and our position on the end of the war with a fair peace for Ukraine, and global efforts to implement the formula.

Take care of this is to take care of the state, about your family, about yourself as a citizen. Well, about your position. And this is fair. The maximum involvement of countries in groups regarding peace formula points is also required.