
Western allies did not have enough for four brigades of the Armed Forces - Zelensky (video)

Ukraine needs to form and complete 14 brigades, the Head of State said. However, it has not yet been possible to organize large and stable weapons supply. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the amount of military assistance promised by Western partners does not allow even a small part of new brigades to complete. Currently, even four Ukrainian brigades have not been able to equip the Western equipment. The head of state reported this in an interview with Farid Zakaria on CNN.

Zelensky noted that the supply of the necessary weapons from Western allies is too slowly - it seriously inhibits the process of strengthening the forces of Ukraine's defense forces and leads to losses. "No matter how many crews stand in one direction, if half of them are not equipped. So you just lose people because they are not provided with armored vehicles and others. They have no artillery and shells. While the Russians use 12 shells, we use one", " Zelensky said.

According to him, the reason for the lack of military equipment is supplies that are slow enough. In addition, military assistance requires 14 brigades of defense forces, but they have not yet received proper equipment. "We have to form 14 new brigades, but they have not yet completed even four of them," Zelensky stressed, adding that Ukraine has to actively develop internal production, in particular drones, although volumes are still not enough to meet the needs of the front .

The President also noted that during the eight -month delay in the adoption of a new US assistance package, Ukrainian troops were forced to use virtually all available reserves. "We took everything that was in warehouses and in backup crews to maintain defense," the President added. Having noted the importance of foreign aid, Zelensky also stated that despite the constant negotiations with Western partners, it has not yet been possible to organize large supply of weapons.