
Armed Forces Brigades are "buyers": how does the law on mobilization for prisoners work

Commanders go to prisons to strengthen parts of new fighters, but their journey to service is not easy. Many do not enter the army because of serious diseases - hepatitis and HIV. Arrests are often taught by an "accelerated program". The focus found out if they would be convicted of good storms. The Law on the Mobilization of Conders, which was signed by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, came into force in Ukraine.

As of May 28, more than 600 people decided to join the Armed Forces and leave prisons. They are now promised several months of military training and service in the assault units, said the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denis Masus. Applications for parole for participation in the defense of Ukraine on May 21 have filed more than 3,000 convicts. The authorities expect that the figure will reach 20 thousand.

They want to create separate formations from the prisoners: they will serve exclusively those who served their sentences in prison. Monolithic units will not be mixed with other parts of the Armed Forces. Officials emphasize a number of differences in the approaches of Ukraine and Russia to hiring prisoners. The first important criterion is the voluntary service. The prisoner consent is needed to send to military units. The categories of prisoners are also introduced, which can be sent to the front.

Serial killers and maniacs will not find themselves on the battlefield. However, the Ministry of Justice stands for the mobilization of convicts for one intentionally or negligent murder. "If we talk about murder with special cruelty, or not killing two or more persons, very often these crimes are committed by a person who is less dangerous to society than one who has committed 3-4 robbery using cold weapons," he says Masky.

Responsibility for evasion of the contract with the Armed Forces - from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. Prisoners who have escaped from the army are at risk of adding up to the previous time for up to 10 years, said Deputy Minister of Justice Elena Vysotska. The needs for prison fighters to strengthen the parts are voiced by the commanders themselves: they call the regional shopping center and call numbers. You also need to negotiate the colonies.

If the representative of the part cannot come, then the prisoners leave the military committee, explains the focus of the procedure of recruiting the chairman of the organization "Protection of prisoners of Ukraine", human rights activist Oleg Cvili. "Literally say: there is a" list of buyers ", here are such brigades. Further-the arrival of a representative of the military unit, the passage of the Military Medical Commission (VLK). Now everything happens relatively civilized and politely.

After the court's decision, the convicts are sent in units, contracts sign, receive uniforms, " - describes the situation the human rights activist. It is known that the third separate storm brigade (3 OSHBR) is already in prison and agitates to join their ranks.

According to the commander of the second assault battalion of the 3rd OSHBR Dmitry Kukharchuk, he is most inspired when the exclamation "Glory to Ukraine!" All prison replies "Heroes Glory! Chief of Staff of the 1st Separate Store Battalion" Da Vinci "Dmitry Savchenko after visiting one of the prisons of imprisonment said that Ukrainian convicts were more ideological than" Wagnerivka ". Savchenko himself from August 2005 to March.

In 2014, he was served in the colony, he received 14 years on the accusation of terrorism. 'The pans are not complaining about the level of preparation. They did not see the machine guns. The preparation should be about two months, but the prisoners are prepared for the accelerated program - a maximum of a month. If from this month the week is spent on "painting grass" when to prepare for battles? "-the mold asks.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the basic general military training lasts 30 days, professional depending on the military accounting specialty-from 14 to 50 days, after This is a collective preparation of up to 15 days The prisons should be used by high -quality VLK: in the presence of hepatitis or HIV it is necessary to determine the stage. We have to find opportunities, do repeated tests and show the seriousness of diseases, "-comments mold.

Military medical commissions in prisons are simplified: there are no qualitative examinations, and reports on health problems in prison medicine are practically not conducted. For prison mobilization - the lack of passports in the Ukrainian colonies. . Tasks, it is difficult to replace it. Perhaps they had time to do something in part. And where to go: he will not take it in the parole, back to prison, and the commanders do not take it.