
They will take in the army: in the US can allocate $ 200 million to support Ukraine - media

According to journalists, money can be used to pay critically important weapons, ammunition and other equipment for Ukraine. US Presidential Administration Joe Baiden "weighs" the opportunity to attract about $ 200 million in financing the US Army to assist Ukraine. Bloomberg writes about it with reference to your sources. According to journalists, money can be used to pay critically important weapons, ammunition and other equipment for Ukraine.

Yes, the Armed Forces are already faced with the lack of artillery, and Russian invaders have been able to achieve some territorial success. The publication writes that the debate about the use of Pentagon reserves show that the White House is looking for opportunities to help Ukraine, since the bill on allocation of $ 60 billion has not yet been approved in Congress. However, as one of the sources told reporters, the final decision on 200 million has not yet been made.

The material states that the White House is focused on persuading the House of Representatives to adopt an additional national security bill, and its assistants are still believed that if Speaker Mike Johnson is authorized to vote, he will be made by the vast majority of votes. We will remind, earlier the media reported that Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to meet with Donald Trump to discuss the war in Ukraine.

According to journalists, the Prime Minister of Hungary is trying to weaken Budapest's diplomatic isolation by approaching the US presidential candidate. It was also reported that Baiden's administration was disappointed with the unwillingness of Europe to confiscate assets of the Russian Federation because of fears.