
Zelensky criticized the Pentagon by reinforcing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with DPRK (video)

The adviser to the chairman of the OP Mikhail Podolyak stated that "cool" from the United States to indicate "cannon meat". According to him, Ukraine was given so many weapons that the enemy had an advantage. The Pentagon stated that in the event of departure of the DPRK soldiers to the war in Ukraine, they will turn into "cannon meat". Major General Pet Rainer assured that the United States will be monitoring the situation.

On June 27, the adviser of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak answered on the air of the Telelorphone on June 27. The politician noted that he has two questions for US partners. One of them is who will have to fight this "cannon meat".

"It's cool - to sit for 10 thousand kilometers and say it will be" cannon meat ", but who has to fight it? Who should kill the Russians? Who should kill now and if they will be in the territory of fighting, The occupied territories of Ukraine, the North Koreans? He stressed that Ukraine is warned of the arrival of "cannon meat" and said to kill it. At the same time, allies are restricted in accordance with international law. "(Like, ed.

) Just do not shoot in the territory where it is" cannon meat "will be, quietly concentrate and so on. Let More weapons, "the adviser reported. He recalled that 5 million shells were first handed over from the DPRK. Now, according to Podolyak, they can come to use the North Korean military.