
Use a shadow fleet: RF is still transporting oil using EU companies - Bloomberg

According to journalists, about 2/3 of crude Russian oil and fuel are transported by vessels that are insured or owned by companies in the States of the Seven Group and Allies that have introduced a price limit. European companies continue to transport Russian oil, despite the established restrictions on price limits. About it writes Bloomberg with reference to the report located in the Helsinki Center for Energy and Pure Air.

"Russia still rests with European services to transport its oil, despite the fact that prices for Russian deliveries exceed the price limit set by a group of seven," the material reads. According to the report, most of them (about two -thirds) of crude Russian oil and fuel products are transported on ships that are either insured or owned by companies from countries from countries that make up a group of seven and their allies, where a price restriction is set.

"This shows that Moscow still actively uses the European transport sphere," Bloomberg says. The establishment of price restrictions aimed to preserve the presence of Russian oil in the world market, while significantly reducing the revenues of the Russian Federation. "In addition to the use of European vessels, Russia has also collected the so -called shadow fleet of tankers operating outside the jurisdiction of sanctions.

They usually transport oil at shorter distances where the same volume can be transported fewer vessels," the agency reminds. However, experts emphasize that countries do not make efforts to ensure that Russian oil prices are set. "More than the use of the" shadow fleet ", the impact of the oil price limits is weakened by the inability of the participating governments to fully force the border and punish violators," said one of Isaac Levi's reports.

It is known that the set price limit for Russian oil is $ 60 per barrel, but recently it is approaching a hundred dollars. The price of Russian cheese oil may exceed the limit if the services of Western companies are not involved, " - explains Bloomberg. Recall that for the first time in history, Russian Syri Oil arrived in Pakistani city of Karachi on June 11, 2023. At the same 100 thousand barrels of oil.