
The international community should press on Russia so that the occupiers leave the territory of the ZPE - President of Ukraine

Ukraine is ready to provide a corridor for the arrival of the UN mission and the IAEA at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which is occupied by Russian troops. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference following the summit of the International Crimean Platform in Kiev. “Our specialists are at the station. Thank God, they managed to leave them there. Due to this, the nuclear power plant works, today there were no emissions.

The danger is one hundred percent, because we do not control what is happening there, ”the President said. In particular, he said, there is information that the occupiers were brought to the territory of Zaporizhzhya NPP. The safety of this cannot be set. “That is, anything can be: mines, explosions, or dangerous disconnection from our networks and switching the flow to another direction. This can lead to tragedy for the whole world, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

The President noted that the Safety Issues of the ZPP are raised at all levels. In particular, the Head of State discussed him with the Presidents of France, Turkey, other leaders, as well as with UN and IAEA representatives. It was agreed that the invaders should leave the territory of the station, because it is no longer a matter of war, but security for the whole world.

“We need to press on Russia, put them an ultimatum from the international community that they should leave (from the territory of Zeuz. to nuclear energy, ”the head of state emphasized. According to him, Ukraine suggested that the IAEA and UN experts come to our country and in compliance with Ukrainian legislation arrived on the occupied part of the Ukrainian territory - ZPP. “We are glad that all civilized people have heard us, and now we are waiting for arrival.