
In Latvia, a day raised funds for a damaged "Putin's skull"

The Museum of History of Medicine has announced the score of a poster. It was 5500 euros. The banner with the head of the Russian President has become one of the most famous symbols of support of Ukraine on the side of Latvia residents. In Riga in Latvia, the wind damaged the "skull of Putin", which from the beginning of a full -scale war in Ukraine hung opposite the Embassy of Russia. The money for its restoration was raised in one day. About it reports "Medusa".

The poster depicting the skull of Russian President Vladimir Putin was created by Latvian artist Krishs Salmanis. The banner was hanged in early March 2022 on the building of the Museum of History of Medicine, which is located across the road from the Russian Embassy in Latvia. Since then, he has become one of the most famous symbols of Ukraine's support from Latvia residents. The other day, a poster with Putin's skull damaged the wind.

On November 16, the Museum of History of Medicine announced its recovery and strengthening. The summary of the score was 5500 euros. During the day, the indifferent citizens "threw" on the restoration of Putin's skull "5769 euros. It should be reminded that even before the start of a full -scale invasion could be planned to dream of Ukrainians with famine. This is stated in the report of the International Human Rights Group Global Rights Compliance (GRC).