
Patriarch Cyril annexed the Diocese of the UOC, located in the occupied territories of Ukraine

Alchevsk, Luhansk and Rovenko Diocese, which previously belonged to the UOC, is now under the control of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the Russian Patriarch Kirill conducted annexation in Lugansk and Alchevsk dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). This was reported in Telegram by Vladimir of Politin, commander of the 6th Cossack Regiment of the invaders.

On the UOC itself, as if Kiev, which has agreed, according to the invaders, with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Semipolitin accused him of trying to pick up the laurel to himself, and to "throw her shrines at the feet of Catholics, having prepared everything for a new union. " The dioceses allegedly have become direct subordination to Cyril (Gundyaev). Archpriest Andrey Kuraev described the event "church theft".

He stated that not only the Alchevsk and Lugansk Diocese, but also the Rovenkivska were already registered as part of the ROC. Bishop Sava (Tutunov), managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, called these dioceses the legitimate property of the ROC. They, in his words, always belonged to the Russians. At the same time, Tutunov added that the decisions were made without taking into account the opinion of the Synod of the ROC, which did not even collect for this purpose.

There is no comment from the head of the UOC MP Onufri. Currently, no representatives have been announced on the connection of the dioceses of the religious structure. The Russian Orthodox Church integrates religious Ukrainian institutions into its subordination. In April, Patriarch Cyril appointed Archpriest Dimitri Vasylenkov as a "spiritual mentor" for Russian troops in Ukraine. It will be responsible for interaction with military units and law enforcement officers of the Russian Federation.