
"Stop it will be difficult": Why Russian foam drones "Herbera" are more terrible than "Shahda"

New drones will be a significant challenge for the Ukrainian air defense system, as they can be made a lot and cheaply by stamping. Airlogix and Skyassist engineers told focus how to deal with them. Russian Research and Design Bureau named after NF Gastello presented a new Gerber drone, which was knocked down on Ukraine on July 24. Focus with the help of experts found out what these drones are special and what threat to Ukraine.

On July 24, a mysterious drone fell in the middle of an open terrain, struck by Ukraine's defense forces. At first, the military could not be identified, noting only that he looks like Iranian Shahaned. Judging by the photo, these UAVs are really similar in appearance, because they are built according to one scheme of the type "flying wing". However, the new drone is smaller than ShahED-136, the wingspan is about 2. 5 meters, the length is about 2 meters.

According to the Defense Express website, experts disassembled and explored this UAV and found that its body was made of foam and the internal compartment was covered with plywood. Inside found navigation systems, management, batteries, as well as a 4G model with a map of the Ukrainian mobile operator, there was no combat part. Experts noted the poor quality of the collection.

It is very similar, if not identical to the UAP of the National Police sappers were found on July 25 in the south of Sumy region. Explosives found that it belonged to the shock class and neutralized the threat. And on July 28, the unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Stalin Falcons", connected with the special economic zone "Alabuga", where the Russians produce "Shahda", published a video presentation "Herbert".

In the video, several white drones are spinning in the sky, and the black apparatus attacked the conditional target and exploded. Ukrainian military Sergey Narbrynov with the call sign "Flash" stated on Telegram, which is likely to attacked "Shahheda" on the night of July 31 at the night of July 31 at the night of July 31. He made such a conclusion, because there were a lot of drones flying, but they all managed to knock.

Perhaps thanks to Gerbers, the Russians wanted to overload the air defense system. To see this, experts need to explore the fragments. In addition, there was a video of the fall of one of the dropped drones. Shahamed does not burn so much and so slowly does not fall, there is also a different shape. Herbera's light plywood and foam, I think that is how it burns and falls, "Sergei wrote. Soon the information on his Facebook page was confirmed Herbera type.

The molecules have not yet been disassembled, but it looks like the economy version of "Shahaneda". Plywood instead of a composite, a minimum of components, all the same cheap mead in china.

"Specialists of the Airlogix drone company in a comment of focus reported that foam is a great material for aircraft modeling, it has sufficient strength and low weight to make a glider Forms in addition, you can buy it in any construction store and use a foam for prototying and checking the tactical and technical characteristics of the gliders. Cheap process, no need to use highly skilled personnel and expensive equipment.

The speed is higher, and the price of production of foam apparatus is 3-5 times lower than the manufacture of composites. Most likely, "Herbera" is a reduced model of a larger variant of UAV, which will already look like "Shahaned", and while we only see the prototype ", - the engineers have assumed. The Russians called a new UAV" younger sister "for" geranium "(yes They mark Iranian Shahd).

that from the time of the Wright all the planes are quite similar, but the materials from which the "Herbera" was made. . Polymer technologies allow you to scales the production of corps very much. I do not see and cannot say which foam, EPO or other material they use to produce "gerberas". The photo really looks like foam, dense enough, in the screeds through cardboard, through plywood, there are amplifiers. The main thing is that it is really mass production.

I think there is a good aerodynamics, a scheme of "Tailed", inflows and more. If they reach the level when they can not cut the string, but stamp the enclosures of foam, then it is much worse for us. It is such a technology that will make a lot and cheap, and then throw us, "he said. Carriers that can be equipped with different means. Much of the electronics. Skyassist now uses the best technology with EPO materials is a polymer, but very cunning.

That is, for two years we have been doing what the Russians now reach. Unfortunately, our production is not loaded on a full coil, as it could be, because there are very few orders from the state. Soldiers cannot buy planes for their own fighting money for themselves, "Igor Krynichko explained. Using FPV cameras (with a first person). "Herbere" can be used as a drummer, a scout and to lure the air defense systems. that is also used to detect UAVs in the air.

The first "eagles" at the beginning of the full -scale part of the war were also, relatively speaking, "not very. " "Orlan" today and "Orlan", which was in the beginning - these are different cars, although the aerodynamics remained the same. Now I look at this foam piece and understand, if the Russian Federation puts better optics, charges and so on - it will be our headache. Based on this carrier, they can do a lot, "the developer warned.

The Russians also stated that" gerberas "will be able to form in the so -called" swarms ". As Airlogix workers say, the swarm system implies continuous communication and information exchange Between all the fleet devices, this function is quite possible to introduce into Herbere with an additional computer and software tied to the autopilot. Units. This will not play a big role, the same will be the same if they start 100 cars that will control 100 operators.

The main trouble is that there can be many such machines. Too much. Such machines are much cheaper than other assemblies, which will get a problem with more devices. And it will be difficult to stop them. This thing will allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the operative, at a tactical even level to overload all our air defense systems, "-added Igor Krynichko.

Any UAV poses a danger in skillful hands, emphasized in Airlogix, with the aircraft scheme requires higher skills in the control of a knife. . The main way to combat such drones is to make the pilot a final flight Shahaneda, Herbera has a weaker resistance to HR, a smaller margin and a limited volume for the combat part, which for its part increases the budget of the drone and makes it a good option for the target.

The presence of FPV camera and bch is part of a set of targets, and our air defense will need to knock down all the "gerberas", because it is unknown which of them is Kamikadze and which is the target, "-emphasized Airlogix. It is difficult for systems to fight, and Ukrainians still need to think about how "Gerberas" can be radio translucent, so it is difficult to notice the radars. We will chase after them with our Sirko.

If you beat rockets, small or large, no economy will withstand, " - convinced SkyaAssist head. Theoretically, mobile fire groups with machine guns and floodlights that created for the destruction of Shahmed Sirko from Syd The standard combat mode is flying at a height of 200 to 700 meters, but for the sake of a joke, for himself, Igor Krynichko raised the board 2. 5 kilometers. I think Herbera can fly somewhere at about the same heights, 500-1000 meters.

It depends on what optics they will have and what task they will perform, "he supplemented. -Avtoritarian state, so very developed vertical connections, and if the team goes from above, then the process is started very quickly It is only for their corruption that they will steal scary money in themselves, and, conditionally, instead of 5 cents of "Herber" will cost $ 50,000. God forbid that they will slow down.

Even if our private production without state support has the opportunity to produce a thousand sides per month, using this technology, then imagine how many planes can produce the enemy! With their hierarchical system, if they gave the command vertically and allocated money, even if they steal 90%, there will still be enough money to produce a large number of sides by this technology. But I think we have the opportunity to cope with this threat, though it will be more difficult.