
The leader of the band "The Vio", which serves in the Armed Forces, confessed that the existence of adult sons abroad (video)

Miroslav Kuvaldin does not hide that he deliberately removed his sons abroad. The singer stressed that if they wish, they will be able to return to Ukraine any day, but they will not be able to leave it. The 49-year-old singer, the leader of the band "The WIO", and now a serviceman of the 59th OMPBR Miroslav Kuvaldin, who has Russian-niger roots, admitted that his sons were exported abroad. The singer shared the details in an interview with TSN's project.

In particular, Kuvaldin said that he has two sons - Korni, who was 21 years old and a bullet, who was recently 18 years old. According to the singer, both of his sons do not live in Ukraine now. According to him, the eldest son of Korni has been studying in a college in Ireland for the third year in a computer specialty, and Bulat, before he was 18 years old, went with his mother to Germany just a week before. "I advised them to gather and go. They are now in Germany with his wife. They live there.

I thought so, because here is not a clear situation, how much this whole story is long delayed with war, with a ban on departure, if he has something to play patriotic And he wants to fight, or wants to be in Ukraine, he will always be able to come here, and if he wants to leave here, he will not be able to do so. The language is preparing to enter the university, " - said the leader of the band" The Vio ".

Miroslav Kuvaldin himself entered the Rakhiv Territorial Battalion since the first days of a full -scale war in Ukraine. He then joined 101 brigades of the 69 battalion, where he last 15 months (until May 1, 2023). In the army, the singer took a call sign "Johnich". Now the singer serves as a part of the 59th Brigade in the Cultural Destant. We will remind, earlier we wrote that series Zhadan officially joined the ranks of the National Guard.