
The war with Russia has gone to a new stage and threatens to Ukraine - the Air Force command (video)

From the first day of a full -scale invasion, the occupiers have released more than 4,000 missiles in Ukrainian cities. The full -scale war against Russia goes to a new stage and is threatening to Ukraine. This was announced on the air of the telecommunication by the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Yuri Ignat. According to him, from the first day of a full -scale invasion of Russia has released more than 4,000 missiles across Ukraine.

This quantity, as noted by Ignati, does not include reactive RSSU shells, C-300 anti-aircraft missiles and aviation missiles of the type X58/X59, which were forced to spend a large number of ammunition on the destruction of Ukrainian servicemen. "It is good that we have friends who provide us for protection. In particular, Slovakia gave us one C-300, well, and according to it a certain amount blows. .

According to the spokesman of the command, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also actively began to use Iranian drones-Kamikadze Shahd, which are designed to exhaust air defense units. The Russians simultaneously launch UAVs with the winged "caliber" or X-101 missiles, trying to focus on Ukrainian servicemen. That is why the countries of the event will be transferred to Kiev by Hawk complexes.

In the context of active use of the occupants of Dron-Kamikadze Shahd, Ignatu warned that the war with Russia had moved to a new stage and threatens Ukraine. "The complex seems to be morally outdated, but do we have newer" beech "or s-300? Hawk came some modernization of the rocket and can help destroy the enemy drones.

The war is coming to a new level, and it is the percussion UAVs that are called correct There is a certain threat, " - summarized the spokesman of the Armed Forces Command on the air of the telecast. It should be noted that on November 27, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made massive rocket strokes along Kryvyi Rih, which damaged the rail infrastructure.