
Rescue from deep war injuries: A new way to combat PTSD has been developed

Using common virtual reality technology, scientists were able to get close to the origins of traumatic events and reduce their impact on our lives. Scientists have found a new method of helping people with post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which covers a combination of stress simulation in virtual reality (VR) with soft brain stimulation.

This innovative approach was tested at 54 veterans in the medical center for veterans in Province, during which researchers found a significant improvement in PTSD symptoms, especially those who received VR therapy and electrical stimulation at the same time. This combination has shown faster and more persistent progress than traditional treatments, representing a potentially revolutionary solution for those who fight this complex mental illness, the New York Post writes.

In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe to not miss the most info and interesting news from the world of science! In one way or another, a large part of the population, especially veterans, suffers from PTSD, which leads to constant fear and stress, even in safe situations.

Traditional treatments, although effective for some, often have disadvantages associated with severe side effects of drugs or emotional difficulties due to repeated experiences of traumatic events through exposure therapy. These problems lead to a high level of rejection among those who seek help.

The purpose of a new research by scientists was to propose an alternative that allows you to solve these problems with the help of a VR setting, which immerses patients in a situation that resembles a zone of hostilities without forcing them to deal directly with personal injuries. By stimulating the frontal lobe of the brain, while the participants were in virtual reality, the researchers noticed a faster and more pronounced decrease in PTSD symptoms.

This method is distinguished by the fact that it combines elements of psychotherapy, neuronchool and technologies, offering a more acceptable and less invasive treatment. The effect of the use of this method was not only immediate, but also, as it turned out, increased over time, even after the end of sessions, which made it possible for scientists to speak about long -term efficiency.

The results of this study open up new opportunities for the treatment of post -traumatic stress disorder by combining technologies and neuroncursons, which can eventually lead to the creation of more effective and affordable treatments, the authors believe. Scientists continue to study similar combinations of therapy, and the future treatment of PTSD seems to be increasingly promising for millions of people, who, unfortunately, can only dream of returning to normal life.

Earlier, focus wrote about why some people develop PTSD. A new study allowed scientists to look into the potential causes of dangerous disorder, which made it possible to develop new approaches to its treatment. Focus also wrote that depression can be caused by a faulty immune system. A new study suggests that depression may not be associated with inflammation, but with a weakening of the immune response in the brain.