
Battle Drones against China: A new US strategy will turn UAVs into a real super -spray

The United States is preparing for possible armed conflict with China, introducing more and more drones, reb systems, and neo -inetic weapons into its strategy. The new US Air Force strategy implies a leading role in paired drones with fighters in future battles in the Pacific. It is also envisaged to increase the number of UAVs by 2030. The focus understood what was behind this strategy of the United States, which they see in China a real threat.

The US space forces consider drones not as separate combat units, but as an integral part of the Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA - a joint combat aircraft) of the Air Force, where the company has a pilot fighter is a drone with a single intelligence and weapons on board. Yes, CCA has recently become the main topic of discussion at the Conference of the Air Force Association.

Earlier this year, the Air Force said they plan to invest over $ 6 billion in the concept, development and implementation of CCA by 2028. Air Force representatives stated, writes The Drive that at least 1000 CCA should be received by the army for the specified term for 200 combat aircraft Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) and 300 F-35 aircraft, but, as the edition emphasizes, the drone park may be much larger.

The Air Force emphasizes that such drones should be relatively cheap, be able to work on their own and in pairs, to be profitable and meet the needs of the Indo-Pacific region commanders, which, we note, include China. PacAf strategy (PACAF) proposed a structural view of the expected role of CCA in the Pacific: "Integrating unmanageable battle planes to perform various tasks, we continue to develop air battle. It is clear that these systems will increase combat and maneuve .

General Kennet Wilsbach, the head of PacAF, told reporters in detail how the UAV would restrain enemies, namely, the China's People's Liberation Army (NVAK) and especially the Missile forces of the NVAK, as well as the North Korean Armed Forces.

According to him, a large number of drones in the sky will have to make the enemy hesitate-what kind of ammunition should be used? The general emphasized that Numerically UAVs should at times exceed the number of manned aircraft, as well as have a variety of characteristics - even those that will not allow the enemy to recognize a serious threat in them. He noted that some drones will "cause fire on themselves": they are used only to spend in vain as much ammunition as possible.

Other machines will divert attention from fifth generation fighters that perform combat missions. As for where in the Pacific region CCA-non-branches will be located and applied, the General said: ". . . they will need them almost everywhere. " In addition, Wilsbach confirmed the editions of Stripes that the old and "preserved" Pacific bases would start functioning again to make the aircraft base and launch.

According to Wilsbach, all PACAF pilots, regardless of the specialty or responsibilities, will have to learn how to work together with drones. Currently, information about the B-29 SuperFortress airfield recovery on Tinian islands (Northern Mariana Islands) has been confirmed. Built there during the Second World War, the runway was overgrown with jungle, according to the general, but the military plan to clear it from shrubs and update the coverage to get a large base.

Wilsbach also mentioned "additional projects in the region", but refused to name their location. The PACAF strategy involves the use of non -inotic defense solutions, such as radio electronic struggle, powerful microwave and laser technologies. General Kennet Wilsbach considers electromagnetic weapons of directional energy quite promising to protect the bases in addition to the available air and missile defense systems, such as Patriot and Iron Dome.

"We really need all three systems to protect ourselves from different weapons," the military said. He added that the Air Force is looking at "promising technologies", such as powerful microwave and laser installations, which, "although not quite ready for use," but will ever be able to protect the base in the Pacific. Recall the recent testing of the Thor system, which managed to knock down a swarm of drones.

The US Air Force, according to General, has its own weapons of DE M-sarad, installed on the Stryker armor. In addition to fighter jets and bombers, the US Air Force bases will contain aircraft of long-range radar detection in combination with a new range of weapons that "fundamentally change the combat space", according to the PACAF strategy.

The B-21 RAIDER Stealth Bomber, the NEXT-Generation Air Dominance and E-7 Wedgetail B-21 B-21 will come into service no later than 2030, as well as a joint-advanced AIM-260 tactical rocket (JATM). Wilsbach said F-15Ex Eagle II aircraft would also be able to find use. This "replacement" of the F-15C, according to General, boasts "the ability to carry weapons"-almost 13 607 kg of fuel and ammunition-as well as a large range of 1287 km, which enables them to serve as a kind of bombers.