
"Bad news" for Russians: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use 70-year-old APC in the war with Ukraine-the media

According to journalists, BTR-50 is too old as a combat vehicle. It is only slightly protected than golf car. Russian troops in the war against Ukraine use the BTR-50 sample of the 1950s. Such machines on the front are becoming more and more. This is a bad sign for the Russian military. Forbes writes about it. According to journalists, the invaders will storm Ukrainian positions at the BTR-50.

"Without mechanized units, fully equipped with proper combat vehicles, such as tanks, it will be very difficult to achieve a quick and decisive breakthrough of defense," - explained the Ukrainian analytical group Froneteligence Insight. The publication writes that the BTR-50 is a 15-ton diesel armored tractor that can accommodate up to 20 passengers. Often the composure includes a large caliber machine gun.

It is reported that the Russian military practically did not use the BTR-50 until the loss of occupiers in more modern technology has become too big. The material states that the Kremlin began to withdraw the BTR-50 from storage in early 2023. Apparently, the Russian command initially used these machines for rear support and kept them away from the front line. But then, at the end of 2023, the BTR-50 began to appear in the assault groups.

According to journalists, half a year of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation lost at least four BTR-50 in battles, which can confirm Oryx analysts. The publication writes that the use of the BTR-50 indicates a wider problem. The support of the offensive of the Russians was difficult for the Kremlin. According to Frontelligence Insight, great successes will require a large number of vehicles.

Despite the fact that Russia mobilizes tens of thousands of fresh servicemen every month, it tries to equip them with modern equipment. According to journalists, BTR-50 is too old as a combat vehicle. It is only slightly protected than golf car. When the Ukrainian anti-tank missile calculation notices the BTR-50 that comes to it, it is not just a bad news for the crew and passengers of this machine. It is also bad news for all Russian military activity.