
Western intelligence services have not been trusted by German intelligence for a long time because of their origins in Russia - Bild

According to the insider in one of Germany's special services, German colleagues have been in a bad account for the intelligence services of the West for many years due to constant scandals and origins. After the scandal with listening to the telephone conversations of German officers on the supply of Taurus missiles, conversations about the confidence of Western special services and German society were resulted in the German intelligence.

About it in Bild writes a viewer of the edition Peter Tide. Analyzing the scandal, the journalist gives a saying in the event: "If you want something in Moscow, give it to the Germans. " As an example, Tide cite the case of Colonel Karsten L. when a German intelligence officer sold the FSB of Russia to the Russian FSB secret intelligence on Ukraine for 800 thousand euros.

"The distrust of Western allies to German special services and politicians is huge, it has evolved historically: in almost 80 years no Western country has subjected to such intensive and successful reconnaissance from Moscow as Germany. Secrets always get to Moscow through Germany," Tide writes. According to a Bild Source in one of Germany, German counterparts have been in a bad account for the intelligence services of Western countries for many years due to constant scandals and origins.

"No one of the CIA or MI5 comes and says openly that we are no longer trusting. This is a gradual process: you are invited less, you will find out important meetings on certain topics only after a while. In the world of special services we consider us the second variety, and to We are treated respectively: we are not in the first league, " - emphasizes the insider.

According to him, the reason for this situation of German special services is "excessive regulation" - only external intelligence BND is controlled up to seven state institutions. "In every Western country, information coming from partnership special services is protected. Before using them in court cases or investigative commissions, you need to ask a special service where information came from: secret information belongs to them.

And in Germany it is not so, it is not protected , every secret threatens to become the property source. The Exglav of German External Intelligence BND August Haning also agrees with him. "Instead of supporting or encouraging, our BND agents and staff have been increasingly hampering political chains for many years to avoid risks. Instead of fear of our security, fear prevails against political consequences," Hanning emphasizes.

Historically, they do not trust German intelligence and society and the power of Germany. Of course, according to Tide, it reduces the efficiency of intelligence services. According to insiders, the German excluder Angela Merkel, for example, never trusted intelligence and did not see the difference between a totalitarian "stag" of the GDR and a democratic BND. Over the 16 years of reign, she only visited the External Intelligence Office, which is directly subordinated to the chancellor.

"There are simply no healthy and normal relationships in Germany in Germany. For historical reasons of politics and society, they usually treat democratic countries with deep distrust. This leads to not being taken seriously and the best people do not work there. Career there. It is not considered particularly prestigious, "said Bild British Intelligence Expert Neil Barnett.

We will remind, according to the newspaper Tagesschau, Russian publications have published the interception of the conversation of officials in the air forces, in which they discuss supply to Ukraine the cruise missiles Taurus. In Germany, it caused a wave of concern. In addition, the Bundesver officers discussed the destruction of the Crimean bridge. In total, the record lasts 30 minutes.