
"Shock and trembling": The US came up with a new way to attack people with drones without killing (video)

DS-100h UAV accessory can distract the attackers, making sounds louder than the jet engine of the airliner. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States (FBI) intends to buy distracted devices for installation on small Sky Hero Loki MK2 drones, which will be able to stun criminals. This is stated in The War Zone.

According to the edition, at the beginning of the month, the FBI declared its intention to conclude with the British company Typhon Group Limited a contract for the purchase of "accessories and accessories for Sky Hero Loki MK2". It was reported that the Typhon products were created specifically for the drone mentioned. The department also developed the tactics of using such UAVs and the appropriate training program.

The FBI did not specify the name of the accessory, but on the official Typhon website there is only one product for drones Sky Hero Loki MK2 is a useful DS-100h load. According to the manufacturer, it is a distract that can be used in anti -terrorist operations. The accessory weighs only 163 grams and is fully integrated into UAVs. The manufacturer's website also contains Video use DS-100h. It has a small drone controlled with a remote control, makes stunning shots.

Their volume is estimated at 170 dB at a distance of up to a meter. For comparison, the volume of the usual conversation is about 50 dB, and the jet engine of the airliner is 130 dB. One cartridge provides up to 5 such shots. DS-100h has at least four available modes. The operator can stun criminals remotely through the remote control or program a series of shots at certain intervals in advance. There is also a shock and awe option when all five explosions occur at the same time.

According to the manufacturer, cartridges can be easily recharged after use. In addition, the company develops new types of cartridges for DS-100h, which can produce other effects. For example, on the Typhon Group Limited page in X there is a video where UAV scatters an unknown smoke. "Choose your stimulus!", - the video reads.

The publication noted that the US has long been using light noise grenades and other types of distracting devices that are manually thrown during the release of hostages and other operations. The volume of ordinary distracting grenades is similar to the volume of DS-100h. In this case, a person can only throw a grenade for a certain distance, and pyrotechnic devices themselves can provoke a fire and lead to fragile wounds. Devices such as DS-100h solve these problems.

Recall that Australia, the USA and the United Kingdom have developed and successfully tested a new unmanned aerial vehicle with artificial intelligence. The combination of autonomous flight and "smart" scanning allows the drone to detect goals faster and destroy them with less risk to human life. It was also reported that drone surveillance could prevent Donald Trump attempted during a Pennsylvania election rally.