
The Russian Federation is not capable of creating a cohesive group for defense of the Kherson region - ISW (map)

According to analysts, the Russians do not have coordination with artillery, there is no tactical intelligence and informing about their own minefields. Russia cannot create a cohesive command structure for defense of the left bank of the Kherson region, which adversely affects the combat spirit and combat capabilities of the Russians. Analysts of the Institute of War Study (ISW) reported this in the report of 29.

Thus, in the General Staff of the Armed Forces stated that the units of the 810th Brigade of the Marines of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, which operate in the area of ​​Krynka settlement, refuse to storm the positions of the Armed Forces. The Russians do not coordinate with artillery, no tactical intelligence and informing about their own minefields. The General Staff also reported that the maps of Russian mine fields were classified.

The command does not properly agree with the assault parts of their location. As a result, 50 people of the 810th brigade have been blown up on the mines over the last month. According to analysts, the units of the 810th Marine Corps Brigade arrived in the Krynok district in early October 2023 and took responsibility for it. Also, according to the report, there is a 28th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 18th All-Military Army in Peschanovka.