
Mysterious Ukrainian Dron "Palyanytsya" aimed at the Russian aviation-Forbes

"Palyanitsa" will be able to impress targets in Russia without restrictions and without permission. However, it will be effective only if it is noted in the publication if it is possible to release in an amount sufficient to carry out massive attacks on all Russian air bases within reach. While Russia is increasing its attacks using long -range drones and missiles, Ukraine is in line with the same.

On August 24, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the first combat use of a new Ukrainian trucker weapons called "Palyanitsa", which he described as "rocket drone", writes Forbes. Zelensky said the new weapons would protect Ukraine by striking Russian planes on earth before they can fly to launch missiles. This approach, called "killing a archer, not repeling the arrows", has been widely promoted in Ukraine and achieved significant successes, notes the publication.

Satellite images show that on August 22, Marynivka has destroyed and damaged several bombers on August 22 at August 22. What do we know about the meadow? Is it a drone, a rocket or something else? And can this really break the course of events in the murder of the archers? Palyanitsa is a Ukrainian type of bread that is traditionally baked in the oven. It symbolizes Ukrainian identity, just as apple pie symbolizes America, the publication notes.

In addition, this word is difficult to pronounce to non -existent inhabitants, and in the early stages of war it was used as a test to identify Russian saboteurs and spies. The name emphasizes that these weapons of local production, completely Ukrainian, which, unlike ATCMS, Storm Shadow, and other missiles supplied by the Allies, can impress targets in Russia without restrictions and without permission.

The video that accompanied Zelensky's statement showed that "Palyanitsa" could reach more than 20 Russian airbase, which implies a range of at least 370 miles. This is less than some long -range percussion drones that exist in Ukraine, some of which may strike at a distance of more than 1000 miles. In Ukraine, a defensive sector is thriving, which consists of small companies that produce stunning variety, according to some estimates, about 24 types of percussion drones.

However, a new weapon seems to occupy a certain niche. Like a rocket winged, but the other in the video states that the size and speed of the "meadow" are classified, but it is said that its engine is a turbouoable one. In fact, there are drones with a rocket engine, such as the latest version of Coyote from Raytheon. This has caused different discussions about what to consider a "rocket".

The Minister of Strategic Industry of Ukraine Oleksandr Kamyshyn stated that a new weapon is "both a drone and a rocket. " The problem is that there are no clear and quick definitions. The borders between the Kamikadze drone or "disposable UAVs", armed baits, lamb bombs, and winged missiles are blurred and are determined more by history than specifications, for Forbes.

Rocket manufacturers tend to classify their new products as "winged missiles", and the unmanned -unmanned companies classify their products as drones, even if they fulfill the same mission. At the same time, the German ammunition V-1 "Doodlebug" is classified by some as the early winged rocket, others as proto-dron; At the same time, it was described as "robot bomb" or "air torpedo".

Usually, the drone can be followed remotely and it does not need to indicate the purpose of starting, unlike the rocket. But the latest version of the Tomahawk Block V rocket V is equipped with a "flight flight" function, so it may be more than can be called "drone". In fact, Tomahawk reaches the roots in the project of "armed fraudulent drone," not a missile, so its identity has always been uncertain.

Although there are many drones with a jet engine, such as RQ-4 Global Hawk the size of an airliner, there are rockets with a jet engine. Reactive engines mounted on rockets are usually two types: turbouoable, used to power Storm Shadow, and turbo fan used in Tomahawk. Roughly speaking, turbojet is easier and has a better ratio of weight power, but it has higher fuel consumption.

Comparing the engines in the two missiles mentioned above, turbojet produces approximately 50% more thrust, but the turbo fan is 50% more efficient. "Paliatsya" is described as a drone that seems reasonable, given the number of winged missiles similar to attacking drones that are currently used. The turbouoable engine implies that it is optimized for high -speed blows, which is quite logical, given its specific role - "affect the archer".

Many Ukrainian blows were aimed at Russian oil and gas storage factories and oil refineries, thus slowly but confidently burning the Russian oil industry. At an attack of this type of goals, a drone that flies at a speed of 100 miles per hour is as good as a ballistic rocket flying at a speed of 5 strokes: the target is static and cannot escape.

Aviabases are characterized by the fact that although there are some static elements, such as fuel storage and ammunition, the planes themselves can be quickly displaced as needed. At attack on Marinovka, as reported, most Russian aircraft flew when drones were discovered. Some were unable to go through maintenance or other problems, and the blow also destroyed the Angari with planning bombs and other ammunition.

But faster percussion drones will be able to catch much more aircraft that are still on Earth. How higher is the speed engine? The Iranian shock drone ShahED-136, which is now produced in large quantities in Russia and nicknamed the "moped" because of the sound of the engine, flies at a speed of 115 miles per hour. Iran also produces a modernized version of ShahED-238 with a Czech turbojet engine with a maximum speed of more than 300 miles per hour.

Russia has access to ShahED-238 technology, but it seems to have stopped on a simpler and cheaper model 136, the cost of which is estimated at about $ 30,000 per unit. The issue of simplicity and cost of production is crucial: "Paliatsya" will be effective only if it can be released in an amount sufficient to carry out massive attacks on all Russian air bases within reach. Ukraine has previously launched several jet drones, including Banshee goals, transformed into Kamikadze.

Other clearly local production and seemed to be based on Banshee, but were only used in small quantities. "Palianytsia", as the publication writes is probably a simple design designed to use on a large scale. "The number of rocket launchers manufactured will increase as much as the production of our long -range drones has increased," President Zelensky said. In July, Ukraine launched more long -range strike drones for the first time.

In August, both sides increased the pace of launches of drones, but the approach of Ukraine with several dispersed platforms and optimized for mass production by structures seems to be won. Innovation Minister Mikhail Fedorov reported that the next step would be to expand the production of "meadow", which indicates that he is also focused on figures, not several "panaceae".

This reflects the situation with Ukrainian small Kamikadze-Drons in the Black Sea and a tactical situation when Ukraine produces more than 3000 FPV-auctions per day. Separately, they can be less effective than expensive, sophisticated military equipment that prefers the event, but 30 "meadows" can cause more losses than one ATCMS per million dollars. Moreover, ATACMS can be intercepted by one rocket, and drones with mass attack are likely to break into the target.

Of course, they recognize in the publication, ATACMS carries much more amount of a load, but even a 50-fuel warhead is more than enough to destroy a parked plane or set fire to fuel storage. Further evolutions of a jet percussion in Ukraine are quite probable. They can include turbo fan with much more range, interceptors capable of affecting planes and helicopters, and more. This technology is still developing, and we do not yet know its full capabilities, writes Forbes.

Fedorov describes "meadow" as a "game turning point", a term that was used too often in this war. But if it really can neutralize Russian aviation and stop the flurry of air missiles and the bombs that are planning, then the minister may be right.