
New Mobilization in Ukraine: How many people need to call the Armed Forces in 2024

Four professional military spoke about moblization in Ukraine and answered why "coffee plans in Crimea" were not implemented and whether the country has a mobilization reserve for 2024. Ukrainian military experts say that in Ukraine it is necessary to increase mobilization, because the Armed Forces lacking people. In particular, infantry troops need to be strengthened because it is a major factor at the front.

The eccentrician of the Airmobile (Airborne Assault) troops of Ukraine, the Colonel of the Armed Forces and the military expert Ivan Yakubets said this in an interview with Espresso. According to him, infantry troops for the army are indispensable. Technique, weapons, artillery, tanks and other means of fighting are just helping infantry. People cannot be on the front front permanently. They need to rest, treat, recover. "Infantry can only be replaced by infantry.

It is a war, and no matter how good artillery, tanks or other means of armed struggle, they help infantry - this is a major factor. The dead should be restored, "the expert said. Meanwhile, another military expert of the reserve colonel, a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war, who passed through the Russian captivity of 2014, Roman Svitan expressed the opinion in a comment to the TSN that Ukraine needs primarily a professional army.

According to him, the leadership of the country is tasked with creating a professional army. "Even in those conditions we are currently. In addition, to complete two tasks: to create a professional army and further" flow "by professionals from the Army Wednesday to the Public Administration. Create a system of state management from former servicemen - it is very important. Then it will be real. Then it will be real. The executive system, ”he added. Svitan gave an example of a tan in Israel.

"The professional armed forces are needed, not mobilization. That is, one thing from the street of people to take and put, and the other - to recruit professionals. Only then can we say about defense," - said Roman Svitan. Therefore, mobilization should be active. He also commented on the mobilized mobilized information.

Ukraine has sufficient material resources and human capital for victory even in a long exhausting war, including even on its own, in the face of reducing the assistance of the Allies, according to the scientist and serviceman Yevgeny Dyky. In the column on the focus "Mobilization in all directions. How else can it be corrected that Ukraine has lost 2023" an expert expressed that only complete mobilization of everything is required to change the course of war and win.

"The challenges are crazy and existential; the enemy not only resigned with defeat, but on the contrary, has intention to destroy us forever, and even has his own plan of" Pabeda "with a sight for 2025,"-says Wild. According to him, a necessary condition for the victory of Ukraine in the war is a complete change in the thinking of citizens and restructuring it into a military order. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians were done during 2023. On the contrary, they relaxed.

When awareness comes in immediate involvement in military processes, then the period of urgent steps will come, which together have to provide us with a quality breakthrough on both the front and in the rear support of the belligerent army. "Most of these steps (although not all) will be unpopular and will lead to a subsidence meaning, "said Wild.

The mobilization of people is much larger than the previous scale (for which we have sufficient mobilization reserve) should create a numerical advantage over the enemy on the front (which we still have not and have no and have no). The mobilization of finances and industry should make us self -sufficient in the production of at least basic BC and weapons and create the advantages of at least in certain types of weapons.

According to the expert, this can be achieved during 2024, but it is necessary to change thinking immediately. Exonard, and now the military 109-brigades of territorial defense Yegor Firsov urged Ukrainians not to fall in spirit from failures on the front, but on the contrary, to soberly analyze the situation and draw conclusions. He made a big post on his social media page. "We won motivation, but after unfulfilled coffee plans in Crimea, it falls.

It is clear: people are not iron, they get tired and they need a prospect. When the prospect of first draw Crimea and then" hold Avdiivka "is demotivated," it demo. " - writes Firsov. Ukraine will be able to withstand and win if society fulfills one of the most common tasks of society - providing an army with 100,000 drones per month. According to Fursov, Ukraine relied too much on partners without realizing its capabilities.

"Of course, tomorrow Ukraine will not build planes itself, does not design the" Himars "analogues. We do not have and will not have a million stormtroopers. But to produce drones many times more than the enemy, and it is better to apply it - it is real," - adds Exnaradep. . According to him, to believe in the Armed Forces is not enough, it is necessary to effectively help them. "The more drones - the more saved lives of our military, the less new mobilized.

But this is not only our problem! It concerns everyone. The war is not the military," the countries lose. The problem is in the organization. We still shine in volunteer. And we divide 100 drones into three brigades. And the enemy at this time puts everything he can kill us, "the military wrote. He also stressed that the war should become a matter of the whole society, as in February-March 2022, not just the Armed Forces . .