
Battalion Bukovel: Do you need to criticize those who spend money on vacation during the war

Ahead of winter holidays and, despite large -scale hostilities, some people are planning a vacation, in particular in expensive Bukovel, and the other condemns them for it. The focus understood why Ukrainians still do not allow each other to rest. On the eve of the winter holidays, the topic of recreation during a full -scale war was updated in Ukraine.

The network posted a video queue of cars towards a popular ski resort in Bukovel, which provoked a once again discussion in society - and is it possible to spend money and rest until heavy fights continue on the front and people die? "You can still send the shopping mall. "And what are they better than me? Are they not like me? Why did I lose my relative and these do not? I want the same for them as an ordinary person," others add. The comments suggest that the video may be irrelevant.

However, the topic of recreation during the war remains one of the most sensitive. Many still think that Ukrainians cannot spend money on vacation while people are killed at the front. At the same time, if you go to Booking and try to book a number for New Year's holidays, the site will report that 96% of proposals in Bukovel for holiday dates are busy. The vacation in Bukovel during the winter holidays was still considered one of the most popular and expensive recreation options in Ukraine.

The ski resort was in demand as a political elite - shortly before a full -scale invasion there was a rested, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and ordinary Ukrainians, ready to put a tidy amount a few days away from the city bustle. In addition, Bukovel has proven not only as a popular but also a privileged resort. For example, he continued to work during the winter Lockdow of 2021, despite large -scale restrictions on business across the country.

At the beginning of the Great War, when the Ukrainians passed the stage of maximum cohesion, statements were repeatedly heard on social networks that rest is "not on time". In the summer of 2022, according to Gradus Research survey, only 3. 5% of respondents went on a trip to Ukraine, and 2. 5% went abroad. The rest of the society worked for wear, denying the right to restore exhausted resources as a result of stress and anxiety. In the second year, a full -scale invasion changed.

Some of the Ukrainians, having listened to the advice of psychologists that the resources need to be restored, began to afford a vacation. During the summer season, beaches were opened in Odessa, filled with hundreds of holidaymakers. Internal tourism was popular, and with it - rising prices for vacations, in particular in expensive resorts, such as Bukovel. This gave rise to a wave of dissatisfaction in society - they say, it is necessary to rest, but not too expensive.

According to Andriy Kozinchuk, the captain of the Armed Forces, the military psychologist, the critic of the leaves is due to the fact that people are still forbidden to rest, despite the fact that society feels tremendous fatigue from the war. Because of this there is a dissonance: if I can't rest, why others do it. "I do not support Bukovel get -togethers with chic. But I am against resting. Christmas, New Year, toy to a child on St.

Nicholas - these are all traditions, fundamental values ​​that unite us. This is what we call spirituality. If this does not, consider that we have lost, " - says Kozinchuk the expert adds that Ukrainians are not yet aware of what it means to rest environmentally. For this reason, some of society spends huge funds to restore the resource and the other - feels annoying because it cannot do it. "We are not used to rest, we are used to detached. In the news - depression, everything is needed.

The service market is not going anywhere, and it is normal. Forbid entertainment would be wrong. If part of society is resting, it means that they feel safe. And this is good news, on the one hand. On the other, there is not enough part of the society of this holiday. And they break into those who have enough, "Kozinchuk adds. According to economist Oleg Pendzin, business support during a full -scale war is one of the important tasks of the state.

Provision of services, in particular from the organization of recreation, if they are in demand, makes it possible to receive the budget additional revenues that are generated by taxes and fees. "We have 70% of GDP. Let's not use hairdressers in principle because there is a war in Ukraine. You can come up with anything, but the country must continue to live, and in the process - to use different means to fill the budget.

The military on" zeros "receive salaries, including additional payments, from the state budget, which are formed by taxes and fees", - says focus Pendzin. Recall that a discussion that volunteers have become more and more difficult to gather in support of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, because Ukrainians are experiencing fatigue from the war in society. Experts believe that the state in the third year of a full -scale invasion should rely less on the civil sector in this matter.