
"We're not so much time": the next months will be decisive in the war - Zelensky

According to the Ukrainian leader, if not act quickly, the war with Russia can be delayed for many years or even decades. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the next few months will become key in the war with Russia. He stated that Ukraine has a limited time to achieve decisive results on the battlefield and prevent a long conflict that may be delayed for decades. The Ukrainian leader said this on September 23 at the Golden Plate Award in the US.

Speaking at the Presentation of the American Academy of Achievements, Zelensky appealed to the international community, pointing to the importance of rapid actions. "We don't have much time. The next few months will be decisive. In this war - the war of Russia against Ukraine and all of you, because it is a Russian war against freedom itself," we have little time to determine what its result will be, " Said the President.

Zelensky stressed that the results will determine the future of Ukraine and the world in the coming months, calling for cohesion and support. "We need to define it. Neither Russia nor their bloody allies. We must be fast. We need to lose the next few months in the war so as not to lose the next decades," President Zelensky said. Volodymyr Zelensky received the award of The Golden Plate Award from the American Academy of Achievements.

"Today's world does not allow us to lose any battle when on one side is freedom, and on the other - all that we would never wished our children. We all need a victory. And we all know why," the presidential message says . The award is awarded to the figures who contributed to the development of mankind. We will remind, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the readiness of the Victory Plan of Ukraine.